
They’re extremely good. I’ve never seen this before.

That’s brilliant! How do you watch it over here (I’m in the US)?

Those are amateurs?!?

Being able to have both at the same time is what has made the Rio Olympics extra special. Unique, even.

You forgot journalists attacked by rocks and gunfire.

Well, ok then.

Apparently they’re getting smacked in Chicago.

So, you’re saying that people from the United States are unable to enjoy the human aspect of the Olympics if the humans experiencing it happen to be not from the United States?

People get carried away by hyperbole at the Olympics on a regular basis.

The point of the Olympics is to engage with the actual world of sports, not just engage in self aggrandizing medal counting. The BBC and Canadian coverages are both aware of that fact, as are their viewers. That is why Canadian coverage BBC coverage are so much better and more interesting.

You were not kidding about “mute your sound”. Good advice.

It is ok to enjoy what is good.


We’re pretty simple around here.

And yet, here you are.

Pools don’t really find that shocking after 20 years or so.

You need to give Brazil a call. They need help.

You’re assuming the IOC has a rational thought process. I think that’s a mistake.

I love this. +9

I can not imagine throwing anything 81 feet, even something that had some self propulsion available.