I mean, I saw it in plenty of “legit” news sites, but you would think that this is something big enough for Jezebel to bother.
I mean, I saw it in plenty of “legit” news sites, but you would think that this is something big enough for Jezebel to bother.
I think it was GELLA yesterday who posted the wall of apologies Lena Dunham has had to make over the years and that plus the above account of the friend who’d use the n word “as a joke”, it gives a very clear picture of the bubble she lives in. People like that are priviledged personified. It’s very easy for me to…
Fair enough. I guess I should have said just “myself” instead of making a generalization about everybody. All I know about FFXIV is the housing crisis and brothels, from articles on here. XD
I think there was like one time when I got the joke to Life in Aggro. The problem isn’t that the comics aren’t funny, but that nobody knows why they’re funny. I definitely relate with Gamercat, though.
IKR?? I get so sick of these jaded dudes who state a thing as if it were forever infinite, eternal, & unchangeable. Dude. Get off your butt and help fix it. HIRE WOMEN, for starters. This stuff isn’t rocket science.
But here’s the thing—he’s not just CK’s buddy in this situation, he’s a producer on a successful TV show who is lending his reputation to CK and promoting him...and, not incidentally, putting him in a position to do this to his (Stewart’s) people. He has a responsibility here that goes above and beyond you hearing…
Parks and Rec started out bad and got WAY better and The Office started out great but eventually tanked. Those two couples’ relationships were among the driving factors behind their respective show’s direction.
Their new narrative seems to be, “Poor Louis had a compulsion.” Like, if he couldn’t force unwilling women to watch him jack it and then fuck over their careers afterwards, he would die.
What’s the thing that the chainsmokers do. that’s the one i don’t like. get off my lawn, kids.
Nobody is known more for respecting boundaries then, uh, *checks notes* football hooligans?
Yeah, the cringe-factor of The Office makes it a no-go for me, too. I suffer from too much secondhand embarassment and I don’t like to watch people being mean to one another. There was a lot of meanness on the office. Plus, who wants to watch miserable people be miserable at their miserable jobs all day. I do that…
Exactly. Even Jerry, who was treated like shit, had a great life!
Everyone does. Parks & Rec > The Office by a country mile.
Agreed. I tend to hate most TV and am an insufferable grump about it, but Parks & Rec can warm my cold, cynical heart. Whereas The Office just makes me angry at everyone- Why am I supposed to like any of these people who so clearly hate themselves? Why do I want to watch people be unhappy at work? Why should I find…
Yeah, I’ll also take Ben’s proposal over Jim’s. And I love their vows:
Well yeah. At his worst, Ben makes stop-mo animation films, really complicated board games and town ruining ice rinks.
I always preferred Leslie & Ben to Jim and Pam.
Ok but she’s had all this time to apologize and still hasn’t done it, and instead writes this completely disingenuous article where she says she was attacked because of her “association”. No, Gaby, you were attacked because you accused a rape victim of lying. I wanna like you, your show is fun, but come on! You’ve had…