
Also, you really should be hanging human skulls on your fence posts.

Darling Girl Cosmetics. There’s also a La Llarona eyeshadow. Here’s the whole Halloween collection (a mix of urban legends and mythology):

It doesn’t say they’re illegal.

You can tell this person had this comment prepared and ready for whatever article had a hint of relevance. No matter the subject.

I don’t see anything in this article about these characters being undocumented. Do you have info about this game that wasn’t included in this piece? Or do you just see the word “immigrant” and jump right to “illegal?”

As an immigrant facing a difficult and often frustrating process myself (Canada isn’t so great about their immigration system you guys) I feel like the biggest hurdle these stories face is that they are written from a place of empathy, instead of actual experience.

I dunno. I would agree with you if it took a whole game for her to regain her agency, but it takes roughly 10 minutes before she’s kicking the crap out of her abuser, so I’m looking forward to seeing where her arc goes.

The writing was a huge factor in me enjoying this game. I have had a falling out with a lot of JRPGS as of late and felt like this was a breath of fresh air. In such a short time, the game was able to create connections with the characters and the world. When a game can evoke emotions in a player so easily. It is a

I was already in love with the game when I realized the battle system is Bravely Default’s. Then this happened, and Primrose became my favorite jrpg character of all time.

Yeah, I’d have said it’s an underestimation. I’d have guessed closer to $13-14k a month. Maybe you’d get down to $10k if you’re factoring in tax breaks.

Hey there. I actually do know, considering I’m management in the video game industry. (Mobile / social to be exact). Given all our staff work in SF and live in the area, given office rent, tools / licenses, meals / expenses, etc etc etc; the $10k number isn’t really wrong when averaged out.

For us the number is

I would argue that, considering he has literally written a book about the trials of game development after spending I-don’t-know-how-long actually visiting and talking with studios for it (not to mention his years of covering video games) he would be a fairly reliable source of information outside actually working in

I promise you that it is not an overestimation. If anything, it’s an underestimation. As I said above, you have to account for office rent, cleaning, equipment, taxes, other staff who aren’t working directly on the game, console certification costs, software costs, and so many other expenses that come up over

I think it would be better for the industry AND people would revolt. But it has to happen. Maybe for the PS5 era.

I think gamers tend to assume that all DLC is profitable without account for the costs of making that DLC in the first place. Skins and hats can be cheap to make and generate a lot of money, sure, but big DLC expansions can cost a lot of money and not make much back because by the time they’re out, so many gamers have

Maybe because the expectations for the amount of content have grown just as quickly?

I don’t think there’s any way to bring the $10,000/person/month number down. If anything, that’ll just get higher over time, to account for inflation and cost of living. Cutting team sizes seems like a more reasonable option. Do video game productions really need thousands of people? At what point do companies give up

The last paragraph of your comment is everything! “ men are not the gatekeepers of black culture, black women are.”

Well researched and written. The biggest takeaway is that she should have listened to the people around her. Even the song you posted in the article, had she dropped the blaccent and gone with Valley girl ala kesha in the first part of her career that would have been a cute little underground sleeper hit.