The costume bugs me too. It doesn’t really seem to fit what little we’ve seen of him, vampire or not. Also, seeing it in proximity to Harley’s makes it seem like a weird sex thing
The costume bugs me too. It doesn’t really seem to fit what little we’ve seen of him, vampire or not. Also, seeing it in proximity to Harley’s makes it seem like a weird sex thing
Are you going to get one of those black, upside down cakes for the party? Because, while it strikes me as unnecessary spending, it also seems metal as hell
The tack thing was in one of those “ocean’s number” movies
I’ve heard the the term “Gary Stu” for the male equivalents, but that might be unnecessarily gendered language
prurient pottery wank bank
Bluegrass is the metal of country (more technical, more feels). Bluegrass is fucking cool. This, this is just a travesty
Apparently no one watches the Watchmen.
pat pat
The whole “Taking their lives seriously thing” is spot on, at least for a good number of the people I know. I know a good number of girls who’ve decided to put romance and such on hold until they’re a few years out of college: partly so they’re in a good place, partly because college age men are dumb.
Now this is the hard hitting journalism I come to kotaku for
Fashion Police
I wanna make a punk band with that name now
If you have a 3ds (or wii, or wii u) you can grab it on virtual console. Save states make it far less frustrating =D
Yeah the garter thing seems weird as all hell. It just doesn’t sound defensible.
I didn’t know...(ellipses of shame and regret)
Chinese=florals actually makes a lot of sense, since a crazy high number of orchids and other flowering plants we know today were taken by Britain from China after the Opium War (taken meaning both bought by and stolen). Also, a lot of our fruits were originally Chinese! They had gardening down, man
I’ve had an on/off relationship and best friendship with a polish woman for over three years now and reading your post makes me feel like my life is one weird conspiracy
Good on you for getting out
For old western movies they would just line white people up and spraypaint them. So hey, it’s almost progress if we’re now painting natives to play natives