
Again, why are you reading reviews of television shows that have ALREADY AIRED if you don't want to learn about plot developments and discuss them? The world is not turning to your slower speed. Catch up, or stay away. it's that simple.

I agree. The entire episode had a "weak tea" feeling wrapped around it. I appreciated the analogies to the Nazis in the blackjacks with their SS leather throughout the season, and then the roundup in this episode and busing to "the showers". But seriously, Maddie has been a constant seer of paranoia and learning how

And why the fuck are you looking at web pages about television show episodes if you want to remain blissfully ignorant? So you can announce how "shitty" it is for others to disobey your imposed timeline of television viewing? Go back to the kid's table. The Internet is for grownups.

Meh. I found no problems at all with Season 1, in fact the writing was superb. Season 2 has been everything Season 1 offered, and more. This is the best science fiction on television, period. It's perfectly fine for characters to backseat on plot when story needs to move forward. They have a lot of ground to cover

Disagree with much of the premise of this review. I thought the pacing of the first season was extra perfect. Enough geeky attention to detail paired with lots of creepy atmospheric exploration of dark tunnels in suits ala Alien. The build for me was just right. These last two episodes were damn near perfect for