I know it’s a little off topic, but I too will be enjoying a cold one like Barry at Noon on January 20.
I know it’s a little off topic, but I too will be enjoying a cold one like Barry at Noon on January 20.
I can unequivocally say, this is my next car. It launches right around the time I’ll make the last payment for my current car. Jalops, please buy these with a manual and show Nissan it wasn’t all for nothing. This may very well be the last affordable, manual dedicated sports car.
And it won’t be worth $0 when it blows up. Easily, and conservatively, a grand with a dead engine or toasted clutch? So do you think you can get 1 summer of cruising out of it for $2500? 2 summers? I’d roll the dice on that.
Yea all the ones near me closed up. Shame tough - the chicken carbonara was so damn good.
Not bad, but this sandwich is far from looking fine. It’s been squished down already and somebody took the first bite. They may have even taken the bacon off of the sandwich because they weren’t hungry enough to finish the whole thing, but by god they weren’t going to leave bacon behind.
Allow me an analogy: You walk into a Quiznos and see a guy leave half of a perfectly good Italian sandwich just... sitting there. There’s nothing wrong with it. The sandwich was clearly cut in half, and aside from being a little rough from the unwrapping process, that’s half of a good sandwich. It even still has the…
The “no dicers” are the people thinking you need to return this to factory condition in order to be enjoyable. You’re probably the same people that have matching towels in your bathrooms and don’t use the dishwasher because it doesn’t get the glasses “clean enough”.
Buy it as a project or drive it until it blows up. In the latter case, you’ll probably get $3,500 worth of fun miles out of it. NP.
Quintessential beater Boxster. NP!!
You really need to drive older Jimnys at some point and somewhere that is not a short dirt road test. That will end this weird boner you have for them.
Those rims look pretty damn good, so good the first thing that came to mind was this: