If you’ve got 700 grand to refurbish, how hard could it possibly be to swap out the airline toilets for some RV/Marine flush units?
Agreed, I don’t get the point being made about the Maxima interior being nicer. It’s not, I can see the shitty hard glossy black plastic from here. The Infiniti has far more finesse, even if it’s not the most technologically up to date.
The interior is much better than people are talking shit about. Nice feeling and looking materials, and the double screen setup in the center is handsome in it’s own way. Maybe it’s just me, but I like the interior. Name better, BMW sure, but German. Lexus sure, but more expensive. The Q50 is unique and that's a…
Lol a majority of the “writers” here are shit. Im not going to stroke any egos or make people think they’re special when their churning out articles they can’t be bothered to do any research on. But shitty “takedowns” pay the bills I guess. It’s funny you guys are so gung ho to defend mediocre blogging as…
Eh. I’ll get a reminder that I have an account and come back in a year. And somehow be surprised it’s gotten even worse than before.
If speed and handling are anywhere near the top of your priority list, Avalon isn’t in the same zipcode as the Q50.
maybe this readership isn’t dead...
old ladies do like 0-60 sprints in 5 flat.
^^exactly this
The exterior looks better than a new Lexus.
You’re fucking blind if you mix a Q50 dash up with a Venza. But you write for Jalopnik so I guess that goes without saying.
“Usually cars receive a midcycle refresh halfway through a generational lifespan, tweaking a fascia or headlight cluster or grille or something to at least look a little different than it used to, if not more modern. A nip here or tuck there that breaks familiarity. Infiniti has never done this with the Q50.”
Meh. They aren’t bad. Conservative designs are popular with many people. Not my cup of tea, but nothing wrong with it in cars.
Whats up?
I’m at a point where it’s hard to accept “old” and “bad” as synonymous. The Q50 drives decent, and it’s one of the few vehicles in its class I’d feel comfortable buying rather than leasing. If its shortcomings are outdated tech, I’ll live.