
I'd pass on this one, personally.

I would have thought this getting a B- would be against all odds.

Goddamn this show was fantastic

I'm getting a vague Allison Brie-ish vibe off that charming young thing on the right.

I now require a shower.

Sigh. Pretty sure giving everyone the guys address so they can fuck him up is not the way to approach this problem. Even worse that they targeted the wrong people by mistake. Perhaps we should turn off the internet. I'm not worried about being out of touch, I've got a set of Encyclopedia Britannica somewhere.

The next remake is all Pinkman.

Trailer within trailer = trailerception.

Trailer for a trailer = dragging shit out unnecessarily.

I observe a distinct lack of Heisenberg in this teaser.

Bitches, leave.

One EP as a Lion?

I'm still undecided as to how much I actually like Meshuggah and if I want to buy this album. I rather enjoyed Nothing and Obzen was pretty good, however I find them tedious live and don't like Jens' vocals at all.

I'm kind of liking the electronic direction this album is taking, even if it is overall a pretty sedate sound (barring the drums, of course)

Being from Perth, I can confirm that most people I know hate the shit out of Jet

Well at least I can go to largeish concerts now without worrying the support band's gonna be Jet. Oh wait, we've still got Wolfmother. Sigh.

A: Asalaam alaikum
T: Shamalamadingdong

Les Cousins Dangereux is right up there with Rochelle, Rochelle

No hay banda! There is no band. It is all an illusion..

Looks a little like that fella from Savage Garden got one of them hipster haircuts. Kids today.

Aha! I missed that. Well there you go.