
He posted a couple more terrible tweets at the end of his blog post, and those tweeters have similarly shut down their accounts after being given a raft of crap.

I am Tyler's passive-aggressive email.

Come on — they'll both have a good laugh about this at the I-bank in 5 years after they've just closed the big merger that will put 16,000 people out of work....

Hey, man, it's opinion.

Yeah dude, why he says Link when clearly they write and show pictures about Zelda this whole article! :p

soooo... he's just like a cat?

Back before my face and body submitted to gravity, I spent two years shaking my ass at a relatively 'classy' chain in the south. We had to wear gowns on the floor while cruisin' for customers, and if some of the more *assertive* ladies happened to catch anyone giving extras in the VIP, they would get the shit kicked

Why did I click on Eisen's remarks? Just terrible to hear the news, especially from the guy I associate with Stuart Scott the most. Unreal. And try as he did, Eisen almost made it through the whole thing all together.

Alright, guys. It's been translated for you by one of your own, so no more excuses and no more "I don't get it." Time to get with the program, or Terry C. will come pec-flex you into oblivion.

Here is a quick note on rape and physiological arousal, particularly as it pertains to male victims of rape.

In their defense, I bet the jokes are at least as much for their own benefit as for yours. As unpleasant as it is to get probed, I can't believe they look forward to it a whole lot either. And it's always awkward when your doctor is a guy you've also known outside the office for years.

LOVE this touch here.

Why if I didn't know better, I'd suspect that Komen pretty much just exists to give big corporations some good press and a tax write-off.

Now playing

It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.

Under what specific "life trajectory" are these based on? A single person with no kids? Because let me tell you what, supporting a family of four on a single income doesn't exactly lend itself to these "milestones." Especially in today's economy where employers are still giving shit raises and the cost of

Be careful following those links. I first saw this next Tuesday, clicked, and now I'm back here.