
Has anyone made a “Toad the Wet Sprocket” comment yet?

I know this is an old article, but I only just stumbled across it. If I may, whenever I have someone say they “don’t like jazz” I kind of point out it’s saying “I don’t like beer.” They probably had a bad experience once (or twice) and wrote it off, without realizing there is this VAST array of different styles,

Your comment gave me legitimate pause, and I see the argument. But I think - and maybe this is just me rationalizing an uncomfortable argument away - that things like this are more about the cosplayer than the “role” she’s trying to portray. The pin-up portion is clearly homage, and if you look at it that way, so are

You have NO idea how a stroke works, do you?

I had a crush on Julie Newmar before I was old enough to understand the why or how of it.

There was a fascinating story a bit back that compared Bolt to Owens, first in just a straight time comparison (where obviously Bolt crosses that finish line noticeanly faster), but then, more interestingly, accounting for the difference in technological differences (i.e. track surface, starter positions, etc). The

I am actually interested in this now, whereas before it seemed like an unneccessary foray back to the 90’s era grimdark nonsense. But thisis a rationale that makes sense.

As someone who has traveled on three continents, you might want to redfine your notion of “majority.” Unless you figure all twelve people in Canada count for that?

“They drew first blood, not me.” - Rambee.

The late Tom Magliozzi might disagree with you on that.

"Life is not a movie. Good guys lose. Everybody lies. And love does not conquer all."

So does this mean the cake is not a lie?

Counterpoint: CHOCOLATE MILK.

I did not know that Jennifer Connelly movie existed.

Question: why is it called the curve?

I... uh... er...

As long as Lost Girls is a sequel/reboot of Lost Boys, and not some sort of Peter Pan thing, I'm in.

I, um, might be interested in that.

So that scene from Gremlins 2 was, essentially, correct?