
Will this do?

even after hundreds of years at the bottom of the ocean, I will not let that near my cupcakes!

my laptops left click no longer works. The little rubber bit that pushes it back up has worn away to a nub and doesn't respond.

But can you supersize it?

sigh... my eyelid started twitching on the last one...

Pry the NSA just wanted to let out a PSA that all big corporations should update their security.... Really, the NSA did us a favor if you think about it!

I guess its easier to throw money at a problem hoping it fixes the issue, then looking at a mirror and realizing you are the problem.

Pyramid = Illuminati = Half Life 3 confirmed!

Fear not writer of this article. I will not be buying his expensive gadget as I can't tell the difference between expensive headphones and the $10 headphones I buy off of Amazon. I can't tell the difference between MP3 and CD quality sound.

Why stop at belts? Lets just build our clothes out of modules! :)

I hate motion enhancement, it jolts me out of the movie and gives me a headache.

Maybe this is how they hoped to make more money....... Interesting, I shall now make a movie and simply change the title every month or so I will make millions for the price of one movie!

My fiance would agree with you that it was a horrible title, but I for some reason I liked it.
It reminded me of "All you need is love" which(in my opinion) doesn't make any sense as well.

I prefer the title of the book "All You Need Is Kill"

But it was amusing how they seemed to keep changing their opinion on it. If I remember correctly, they had some ads calling it Edge of Tomorrow, and others Live Die Repeat.

It must have been confusing for those who weren't in the know.

I can't find a resonable excuse for me to get one of the gimmicky tvs. I have an xbox/wii hooked up to deal with netflix, and I can't possibly imagine what a smart tv would do for me besides allow me to burn more money.

I just got a letter in the mail from Comcast talking about how they are getting rid of select channels, and increasing cost for the channels I already have. And on my last bill(for December) they talked about increasing the cost of sporting channels(Good thing I don't have any).

I sure hope he doesn't breathe too hard or sneeze.... then he wont have anything to put back together

variety had a good point, after watching it last night, the fiance and I both thought the USA came off worse in the movie.

Happy to have helped your dream :)