
What an obese, manjawed parasite. Should have fed the hungry or done something good with that wasted money. Can’t wait to see these fraud university admins and bureaucrats put out on the streets when the system crashes and burns under student loan debt and low return on investment. Every one of these Boomer leeches

Wonder if they’ve done a similar study on women’s BMI compared to 30 years ago, LOL.

Mudshark lays with a savage and gets hacked up. News at at 8. No one feels bad for her.

Julian Castro looks like a twink training for the tranny olympics.

“Never underestimate the desperation of a single woman on the Upper West Side.”


Well when you facilitate bringing the Middle East and Mexico to America you get, well, and America more like the Middle East and Mexico.

how is living with GRID?

Nice humble-brag.

he sounds like a real winner for marrying a chick 16 years his senior.

Yeah he just showed up cruising for twinks in Ft. Lauderdale on accident shortly after his wife passed away.

Its not like the old Queen doesn’t let his South Beach cabana boi fuck and suck whoever he wants to anyway. After all it’s a gay marriage.

You can see the degeneracy and perversion in the old Queen’s eyes. Bill Clinton wanted him for VP back in his candidacy, but presumably some advisers outted Wofford for the shitlib pedo queer that he is.

Lutz, that hag already looks MUCH older than 27.

Nice of them to tow the open minded lib party like when the only reason they ere opening there is so they could pay ppl half of what they would get in CA.

Yeah I really liked Monster. The girl that directed it, Patty Jenkins did such a good job. I would have liked to seen a lot more out of her. I looked her up and see she is set to direct a Wonder Woman movie, which is not my thing. Would have liked to see some more regular films from Jenkins. Allison Anders too.

Cate Blanchet, Bullock are dogs compared to Charlize. In her prime, Charlize was a good standard deviation better looking than Lawrence (and a better actress).

Charlize Theron in her prime was probably the most beautiful actress in Hollywood. The thing is, she is also a very good actress. I would have liked to see her get some better roles other than the one’s that she had to grovel for. I loved Monster though, and thought she deserved the Oscar that she won.

For once, I’m gonna take the girl’s side on this one. Poor judgment, but she was probably doing it in jest and breaking up the monotony of the day. Seems like a cool chick. It’s not like what she was doing posed harm to patients or society. Should have allowed her to get counseling.

Tell us more. Sounds interesting.