So much fun!
So much fun!
Hi sweetie pie!
Top of my head, I can name four women who would be better Democratic nominees for president (and better presidents) than Hillary Clinton: Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Stacey Abrams, and Kirsten Gillibrand. Give me a few minutes and I’ll come up with more. Give me a few days and I’ll give you a spreadsheet. The…
Hillary Clinton moved to New York for the first time in November 1999. By November 2000, she had been elected Senator in a state she’d lived in for a grand total of less than one year. Other candidates with far more experience both in public office and in the state, who had already announced their intention to run for…
God, Halal cart food here in NYC is absolutely the best. Also the taco trucks!!!
Hoooo my god, I had to stop halfway through. It was like torture and then I was like, wait, I don’t have to do this.
The Venn diagram of Boston shitheads and racists has a lot of overlap.
First off, they’re not as cheap as you claim
Especially Family Dollar, which is not even a “real” dollar store. There are two in my town only a few miles apart. Both are located within walking distance of housing projects. They are as predatory as Rent a Center and buy here pay here car places.
As a liberal, I don’t feel like I’m being owned enough. I suggest they keep literally playing with fire on their property, just to show just how strong-willed and patriotic they are.
Oh, for dog’s sake. If somebody enjoys a well-done steak, just let them enjoy their well done steak. How exactly are they harming you? I swear, steak fanatics are worse than vegans when it comes to food snobbery.
I googled it. It’s like if 1997 Chloe Sevigny was a clothing store instead of a person.
If you’re pregnant and live in a rural area in America, giving birth is becoming increasingly more difficult.
Seriously, queer as fuck trans woman here, chill the fuck out.
The joke isn’t “They’re gay, hyuck hyuck hyuck.” The joke and insult is that a world leader, who claims to represent the American people, is actually in love with (and controlled by) a world leader who is everything but a literal enemy of the fucking state.
Here’s a joke I think may suit us both better
GMG has a strong union that protects editorial independence. That’s why they’re able to publish stuff like this:
This was a good article, but while I was reading it all I kept thinking was, “What if Goldberg buys Jezebel and The Onion”?! I heard Univision was trying to unload the Gizmodo Media Group company as well as The Onion, and I’m genuinely worried about what would happen if he bought either or both.
Calling the cops black people is tantamount to attempted murder. Those jackbooted thugs could have shot those babies and not given it a second thought!
Dear Tyler,