
I bet everyone who counted her as their black friend is really pissed.

Talk about hysterical and sex-negative, there’s nothing “gross” or “stomach-churning” about this man, or any other man having a nipple piercing. 

This is off topic but IANAL makes me think iAnal which sounds like a buttplug that vibrates to the beat of your iPod.

its a song that really offers itself to various forms of foolywang.

I heard about this yesterday but didn’t watch the video until now. What. A. Gift. 

I miss that column so much.

This is a seriously awesome take after reading an article which directly explains the harm caused by the performers real names being public. Although, apparently the deranged people that target them are not at fault, it is on them for choosing that profession in the first place.

Yes, lets mock and make fun of the people who created Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas for not liking movies like Ant-Man.

Aside from Warren G on “Regulate”, every nigga is the hero in their story.  Of course he put extras on it.

On top of my ex? He hated showering so only did it once or twice a month. He liked it when I would lightly scratch his back (not as part of sex, just as a relaxing thing) and I would end up with gunk under my nails afterward. My explanation is I was... going through a lot.

Um, did it ever occur to you that this album isn’t there because it never existed in the first place, and the whole time you thought you were listening to it, you actually had crossed over to another dimension in which this music does live, and that it is your mission now in life to track down this woman, who in our

A wild guess: Jeremy Renner. 

So the minimum wage staffer misheard or misspelled his name on a coffee cup and he cries discrimination even after they try to apologize? I have a name that can sound like other words and can’t keep track of the number of times I’ve seen bizarre spellings or other names/words used by mistake.

Having the wrong people laugh at his comedy for the wrong reasons is a perpetual problem for Chappelle, but this time the blame is on him.

Gather closely young ones and listen to your big sis about the herp.

Beyonce said 2019 been rough, let me give the people what they want. 

You couldn’t be more right about FN being a terrorist organization. Everything they do is done to brainwash their audience into thinking that their fellow Americans who don’t vote the way they do are their greatest enemy. They brainwash people to the point some are willing to kill for those beliefs.

Your “tldr” is still way too long

Fuck the wants, worries and rights of gun owners.

Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.