
What did Southwest ever do to you?

There are people who think that 20 murdered first graders and their parents were actors too.

That’s just the way pregnancies are measured (by actual medical professionals, not just these wingnuts). The ticker starts on the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period even though the actual pregnancy usually starts a couple of weeks later depending on when a woman ovulates and gets it on.

Good luck!!! I know how much a stressful job can worsen depression and in my case anxiety too.

Yeah but I have a fb friend who says it is the “literal millions” of ballots cast by “illegals” and dead people that accounts for Hilary’s lead so I guess they are pretending we are dead too.

no it’s really not. I was angry then, and incredibly disappointed but not in fear for my country. Because for all of Bush’s pro ‘Murica jingoism and talk of taking down the Middle East, he never struck me as a racist sociopath or someone completely unqualified for the job. This is so much worse.


Same. And the fact that the servers were international and cross platform was awesome. If I could play a game in 2003 on my PS2 with a guy in Australia or Japan and my friend with a PC, why is it that hardly any modern games can incorporate these features? I tried XIV for a few months, but it just didn’’t do it for

Yep never any conflict or uncertainty that abortion was the right choice for me when I had one. I beat myself up because I felt irresponsible for getting pregnant but mostly I was just relieved to live in a state where I could get the procedure ten minutes from my house, within days of discovering I was pregnant, and

I never got the flu shot. My rationale was that I never got the flu, at least not since I could remember such things. Then last year I got the flu and it was brutal. It took me a couple months to snap back too. I was weak like a lady with consumption in a 19th century novel for weeks.

“Ah, sometimes it gets late at night,”

I don’t know the laws in the state she filed in, but in my state there is no joint physical custody. You can have joint legal custody, but one parent must be the physical custodian with the other getting visitation rights.

Hard yes.

What you said is 100% true. But still FUCK PETER THIEL.

also, she is not dead.

The button down shirt thing really seems universal for anyone with actual breasts as another commenter said. But as a fellow fat person, I’d like to expand on what you said. I want clothes that FIT me. And I don’t mean fit in the sense that they drape over my blubbery form to shield the world from seeing any of my fat

Yeah. I was just thinking this. Many years ago when my own spawn were wee, I got so much info from Dr. Sears’ books. I think he is a bit extreme on the attachment parenting but I followed some of it. But questioning vaccines????? That disappoints me.

This one piece is, in fact, bad. Ellie Schechet for the win.

Is a complete lack of facial expression also a part of the Naked Pregnant Lady photo trope?

Yep done. After a long day on a work trip the other day, I had two choices for dinner right across from my hotel. One was Chipotle and the other was Taco Bell. I made a run for the border, which would have been unfathomable to me a year ago.