
I have had several, like more than five, Puerto Rican friends insist to me that their obviously African features were a result of Taino Indian heritage only. The denial is strooonng.

I was shopping at a Kohl’s recently and happened upon a Juicy Couture display featuring what else but velour tracksuits. My kid did not understand my amusement...

So I can add flat feet to the already extensive list of reasons why i was never going to be a ballerina. Thanks!

Just wondering what sort of feet are needed and how you can tell from this photo? This is a serious inquiry. All the comments about this got my curiosity up.

I have truly started confusing the two at this point.

Thank you for giving me something to listen to on repeat til the end of this workweek.

So bad. And I HATE when artists change the gender of the subject of a song. Especially one about cocaine. I AM SINGING ABOUT MY STRAIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH COCAINE!!! I AM SO NOT GAAYYYY.

I’m shocked that the chili powers that be have not put an end to Cincinnati chili. I’ll never forget the time a proud local insist I try a three way ( not the good kind) and the horror I still feel all these years later.

I usually think that when the poor folk finally take up arms and storm the Hamptons we should spare their children. Usually.