
Ali vs Foreman. Ali is a coward ? say it. i want to here U say it.

over 200 liked, most appear to be male, survey say's "males are allowed to like adorable" don't know who Derrick is but he looks ok with it also.

i think i should clarify my thoughts, i did not watch one moment of coverage because the moment i do i become the spectator they want me to be. not just to the asshole(s) that did it but also to those that news it. fuck all of you

she's a nice writer easy to read but the only thing i got out of all of this is that ppl in our world are messed up because most of them are spectators watching other ppl do things whether good or evil.

if i want to look better, i just have sex.

if U decorate Ur self is it just for Ur pleasure ? U know U wan;t to, show it. natural decorations R also nice.

so! it's all about sex. i really liked the thought that it's your last night as a single woman. how many times was she NOT single before her marriage and how many times will she NOT be single after(i probably didn't get that right but it doesn't matter).

a little bit of posturing does enter the playground, lighten up. only grrls like to wear pretty clothes, and guy's are attracted. the attraction at times could be a distraction, don't get all wild over it. it's just personal confusion, trying to find where You fit in. as a psychology student it could be the more GBLT

this was well written (in transparent modern language) that the 'church' cannot adopt because they are archaic by nature, when the Pope who is supposedly male but too much of a pussy, to say fuck publicly. if he could i may be impressed. the reason females R not allowed is because the Pope,Cardinals,bishops,priest R

i don't care about any of these ppl but i read it because it's important to them that we notice them, and are willing to pay to notice them because they also need to go shopping.

he's nothing but sports, is this what education is about in a crumbling economy. his body mass in relation to his brain mass is the problem. a country of wanna be stars that cannot compete with the emerging markets that the U.S. is increasingly kissing up to. LOOK if U want 2, recent results from Taiwan Semiconductor

not exactly, it's more like sloths to a flames game, love those painted lady's

R society needs to get real, anybody that thinks they need a coach to accomplish a feat they do naturally on their own has some psych problems. "the coach is so proud of me" "my boss said i was doing a great job at work" i was her boss at twenty. that a little recognition can mess with a persons head so easily that

i want to make a follow up point, if they hadn't told U, U would never know, that's how respectful and unobtrusive they were.

$4 Us $4 U $from We that pay to C crap because it's so entertaining to have something to worship or bitch about.

cunny what!! lap lap lap like a dog in the toilet. It U don't have a round one use Ur flat one.

Yes and thank you

there's so much here i could write a War and Peace Novel about it. like a gift from the Gods, use it. "we @NotreDame have Ur siex and R behind U ALL the way.

please i'm not trolling but i am having fun. "As the male administrators of the athletic program @Notre Dame may we hold them for you and keep them safe."

reply to myself, i ment CUP muffin utensile!