
“I don’t like the concept of monogamy, but I DO like letting my wife believe I do so she’ll be home with a hot dinner waiting for me at night, keeping the house clean and parenting my children so I have plenty of time and mental space to obsess about what else I deserve out of life.”

Something I wish this article mentioned: last year, the nation also removed a 5% tax on fresh produce.

He's pathetic, I agree. How does he even put himself in the same conversation as Purple Rain? Kid Rock sounds like Prince about as much as Kid Rock looks like Beyonce.

I mean, Emma's opinion is valid and I don't agree with the jabs Idiot is taking at her, or at you with the stupid reading comprehension stuff, but it does seem like you guys jumped to some harsh, fairly unsupported conclusions and kinda jumped down Idiot's throat for casual, personal, relatively off-the-cuff

Now playing

As a palate cleanser, here's Bastille's outlandishly incredible cover of a Miley song. Trust me, it's amazing.

Or, to put it more accurately: Ricky Gervais, the British comedian who is absolutely nothing like Louis C.K.

It's not automatically experimentation just because the kids are the same age. If the activity is unwelcome to one of the participants, but they go along because they feel pressured by their friend... In my case, one of the girls overtly pressured me by saying she would tell everyone else not to be my friend anymore

Oh dear. She's lovely. Her body type is one of many. I suspect it is somewhat different than some other pageant competitors. I wouldn't call hers average, though - most people aren't that fit! - and normal is just not a good word to use when describing people's body types.

This is fucking ridiculous. Instead of writing this book, and others, GRRM should be finishing the god damn series. Yeah I'm bitter - I started this series when it first came out, and then waited and waited for books that progressively got worse - everyone just wandering around, more and more people, the series

I don't know about everyone else, but this puts a serious damper on my enthusiasm for the series. I could believe that he'd finish two more books, but there's no way he's going to do eight at this pace. Besides, unless they descend into anime-esque filler territory the show will have caught up to the books by sixth

Erin, I love your stuff, but I have to respectfully disagree re: "bare minimum standard of human decency."

I think the U.S. should lend support to the Nigerian people in whatever they decide to do. The problem is that the Nigerian government has zero incentive to take direct action. This sectarian violence was happening long before these girls disappeared or Boko Haram started trending globally. The government has

Adding my voice to those that say stop with connecting his physical appearance (or "creepiness") with his alleged crimes.

Between Jezebel constantly attacking the way Terry Richardson looks and the constant comments about how 'creepy' he looks, or his glasses, or whatever about him physically, what's the point? There is absolutely no connection between his looks and his crimes, or alleged crimes.

Is Dove even claiming to treat 5 o'clock shadow though? I'm pretty sure nothing can be done about that, plus the stock photo lady's pits are defo shopped. All this shit started when Dove first came out with a deoderant which was, like everything of theirs, 'with one quarter moisturising cream' and everyone was like,

This thread needs to die. Seriously.

Guys, what are these conversations in the comments? Since when is addiction even primarily about the thing to which one is addicted? ("Guys, I do meth because it's awesome! Not because I need to be awake for 5 days at a time in order to work the three fulltime minimum wage jobs that together just barely keep my family

I just wrote something similar a second ago. And not only would they defend themselves; the very idea of them molesting their child would be so appalling, disgusting and horrifying to them that their reaction to these accusations certainly wouldn't be "I didn't give it a second thought" and "it's ludicrous". How is

.04 BAC alone? Sure. Yeah. You can drive. But alcohol is amplified by xanax plus the weed. There is def no way that he should have been behind the wheel. Also, do you think a kid like Beiber is taking xanax to just take the edge off? No. He's poppin the entire bar.