The HuffPo change is kind of recent, right? This has been going on for a long, long time. Its just much more visible now due to the Kinja platform.
The HuffPo change is kind of recent, right? This has been going on for a long, long time. Its just much more visible now due to the Kinja platform.
Damn, Madeline, how do you know it's about women? Grow a thicker skin! Why is this such a problem for you? Yadda, yadda, cost of doing business, blah blah.
They don't if they make the place so unpleasant people don't come back.
Did you do something to deserve it? Obviously you don't think so, but we'd probably disagree.
If it doesn't bother you, that's great. I'm not personally triggered by a lot of the things that these trolls put up here, which is why I mod. However, look at it from this angle — this is a major internet company who has invested a shitton of money into this commenting platform. A platform no one will use if its…
Did you report this behavior? Because that's how trollpatrol worked. You reported it so we could deal with it.
"Also, honestly, how can people tell the racist "trolls" from the average racist posters on Gawker Media? That place is so full of bigots post Kinja 2 that you can't see the bridge for the trolls."
For anyone else reading this thread, I just want to say that Steve is an absolute rock star. He's always responding to my emails and constantly on top of zapping this bullshit.
It was kind of a hybrid audition system. The original required you to have X number of followers. This was a bit later on.
Honestly, I just think he doesn't get it. The kind of trolling women's websites get are really different than what happens on the sports or news sites. Yeah, Gawker gets trolls — specifically, they have a huge issue with racist trolls right now — but there is a very concerted and specific effort at harassing women in…
Because no men read this site and would be offended by said images, right? No, we can't mention men though, because women are the only victims or some other sexist bullshit.
Why isn't there an email address for reporting and another one for tips?
No, of course not. I think the idea was to both make it public and anonymous, which the tips email address couldn't have been.
Yeah, they were. That was the iteration before I took over though. I used to re-emvowel everything just to see what was offensive.
Aw, I've been busy over in Groupthink and Powder Room, which I run and mod. Thanks!
Actually, that part of my comment was based directly on conversations I've had with people, including Denton, where the over all take away was 'its not a big deal, just toughen up'.
I think they've actually gotten one or two good tips out of burners, to be honest. But it seems a lot of chaff for so little wheat, you know?
There was an iteration a few years ago called 'pinks' where unapproved commenters were automatically flagged. Most posters didn't see them but 'starred' commenters did, and could approve the good ones and flag the bad ones for banning. To me, that was the best system.
Because if it isn't gifs, it's stills. If it isn't images, its text. The gifs are a symptom of the problem — that there are no protections or tools in place to handle trolls, who are attracted to women's websites.