Slay Belle

It was kind of a hybrid audition system. The original required you to have X number of followers. This was a bit later on.

Honestly, I just think he doesn't get it. The kind of trolling women's websites get are really different than what happens on the sports or news sites. Yeah, Gawker gets trolls — specifically, they have a huge issue with racist trolls right now — but there is a very concerted and specific effort at harassing women in

Because no men read this site and would be offended by said images, right? No, we can't mention men though, because women are the only victims or some other sexist bullshit.

Why isn't there an email address for reporting and another one for tips?

No, of course not. I think the idea was to both make it public and anonymous, which the tips email address couldn't have been.

Yeah, they were. That was the iteration before I took over though. I used to re-emvowel everything just to see what was offensive.

Aw, I've been busy over in Groupthink and Powder Room, which I run and mod. Thanks!

Actually, that part of my comment was based directly on conversations I've had with people, including Denton, where the over all take away was 'its not a big deal, just toughen up'.

I think they've actually gotten one or two good tips out of burners, to be honest. But it seems a lot of chaff for so little wheat, you know?

There was an iteration a few years ago called 'pinks' where unapproved commenters were automatically flagged. Most posters didn't see them but 'starred' commenters did, and could approve the good ones and flag the bad ones for banning. To me, that was the best system.

Because if it isn't gifs, it's stills. If it isn't images, its text. The gifs are a symptom of the problem — that there are no protections or tools in place to handle trolls, who are attracted to women's websites.

Don't respond to them, and warn other people not to — responding is what the guy wants, and it drives the post up in views.

Prior to Kinja, I headed the trollpatrol team for Jezebel, as many people here know. We dealt with rape gifs, violent pornography, racism, and harassment regularly, but there was a system in place with which to have it reported and dealt with. Banning didn't usually result in the same person immediately making a new

I certainly agree! Its a system that allows for easy abuse, unfortunately. I just want to gently nudge as many people as possible towards knowing how to report (email), and then have them share how to handle it to others so that kind of bullshit is nuked as quickly as possible.

There's no report function for Kinja, unfortunately. I've already let the writer know about this, but in the future, definitely email. Thanks!

I understand that. But there are no mainpage mods any more and writers get sometimes hundreds of notifications on an article. How else is someone going to know there's an issue to be resolved?

Reporting in the comment section isn't very helpful. If you see something, email the author of the story and cc They'll handle it.

I know we're not going back to it, but the "pinks" version of the commenting platform was by far and away my favorite. There was a large base of people who could approve commenters, and someone like the rape gif guy (there's more than one of them) couldn't immediately come back in with a new burner.

You and me both. That pull up scene made feel things. Lots of things.

Of course, and that franchise includes roles for other kick ass women aside from Alice.