Slay Belle

Discrimination faced by women and POC in the field is absolutely relevant to discussion of science.

Yeah, I thought that little fact was an element missing from this story.

it was completely ignored and pushed down on groupthink. I really like so much about Jezebel.

Send it to . They'll handle it for you.

I can't speak to the other parts of your comment, but Jezebel has never been a safe space community.

English is the common language of schooling in India. Not everyone speaks it, of course, but a lot of people speak it in addition to whatever their regional language is.

I can only assume that you've never read the novel, because you're completely off base as to its message.

I'm a Hampshire alumni, and I'm quick to admit that Camp Hamp does not have the social cache or academic impressiveness of Smith. And their educational ideas are similar, but not the same. Don't stick me in a position of defending this misguided girl — but its not like Smith is located on an isolated mountaintop

I'm willing to slot her into 'incredibly young and out of her comfort zone'. Yes, there's a tinge of homophobia there, but exposing yourself to the larger world is supposed to be what college is about, right?

Like the whole 'Smith doesn't have sororities' thing.

Yes, I know. I went to school in the valley. It wasn't an actual question, I was pointing out there were plenty of college boys for straight girls to date in the Valley.

What are you talking about? Did you respond to the wrong person?

Northampton, the city Smith is located in, has one of the largest openly lesbian populations in the US. Smith has a significant queer population, though they are not the majority. These are all things she would have known about Smith before attending school there.

There are 4 other colleges in the area, and only one of them is also all-girls?

I am an alumn and married one, who never smoked weed or picked up a hackey sack in his life.

Really, you've got something against Liev Schreiber or David Moscow? Hampshire, like any other school, has its share of attractive students.

Smith doesn't have sororities, they have a house system.

I'd suggest Disney Paris is probably the 4th happiest place on earth, because Tokyo Disneyland is pretty banging. I had a great time when I visited it.

Suburban Philadelphia. Its more comprehensive now than when I was in school (my daughter was attending the same school district I graduated from). I'm pretty proud of them.

Sex ed is a year long class in my school district, once on middle school and twice in high school.