Slay Belle

Absolutely feel free to jump in. My take on what you're asking:

I think that there's an awful lot of science that points towards weight loss being more complicated than a simple calories in, calories out equation.

The conversation needs to be divorced from morality — ie being fat is not a value judgement.

You're better

I had to cut back on the rigerous logging and exercise because it's honestly unsustainable at those kinds of levels over the long run. I do log my food online, but I don't kill myself if I miss a day. And I don't do 20 hours of exercise a week anymore — the level of effort I was putting in to get a handle on this was

Take my money! Take it!

I know! I am so sad the redesign didn't work. I started shopping at JCPs last year for the first time since I was dragged in there as a kid and I recommend it to everyone! The styles improved, the prices were great, and they actually had a great plus size selection.

In my extensive PCOS -diet related research, I did come across a couple of books that said soy was problematic for PCOS suffers. But then there were other books who said it wasn't. Its such a crapshoot.

There's an estimate that about 10% of women have PCOS, but its sort of hard to nail down a real number. For many years it was lumped under Syndrome X before they started identifying itself as its own disorder, and now there's a movement to further breakdown the diagnosis(es) because there's a couple of different

I noticed that they didn't respond to my own persona anecdote which was, you know, part of a long term study about this shit, and directly contrary to what she was saying.

I thought the part where she said she 'looks awesome' to be the telling shit. (Though, to be fair, I did miss the Holocaust reference.)

Thank you for the reading recommendation. I'll definitely check it out!

I have actually read that undiagnoised insulin issues may be a significant part of why its so hard to lose weight once you go past a certain point. (I had a doctor once tell me that that's like 60+ pounds for women and 100+ for men.) But I haven't really followed the stories about it.

I'm all for universalized health

Aw, look, someone took your cute term and used it to insult me. Oh, trolls. Lawd.

I did just get 'misandry', which was unexpected!

Well, no. It wasn't quite basic math — I didn't just lose the weight because of the calories I consumed, but because I also had to be put on a regimen of pills to deal with insulin issues, as well as a number of other medical intervention stuff. So I suppose I can concede there's some math involved, but not that X -Y

About a 7 years between when I first started going 'this isn't right' and when I got a doctor who listened to me about it.

I went back on BC to deal with the cysts and my cycle issues, and took metformin to help with the insulin problems, and biotin for the hair loss. Everyone's treatment program will be slightly


Hey, I have a great doctor in the Philly suburbs too!

I'm so sorry. My mother also has a blood clotting problem that is hereditary that almost killed her, and she's on blood thinners for the rest of her life. I hope you're well and managing your condition.

Are we trading ancedotes now? Good, I've got one:

Someone's always gotta prove the point!

That's funny, because my experience was exactly the opposite! It was my terrible ob-gyn who kept telling me I must be imagining things and telling me to take up swimming, and its my really amazing PCP who got my diagnosis. I literally burst into tears when my PCP took my concerns seriously and didn't tell me to just