Slay Belle

The weight issue is such a mind fuck with PCOS, and nothing makes me more ragey than 'just lose some weight', with the implication that its super easy to do so! I tried all sorts of (medically supervised) things including a sub-800 calorie liquid diet and actually participated in a year long, NIH weight loss study

I know there's a belief among certain doctors that women with PCOS are pre-diabetic, since they have a high incidence of developing diabetes. So, yes, you are correct and I am technically wrong — I was responding to the 'off label' use of it as a fertility drug, because a lot of women with the syndrome are on it for

My current doctor is really amazing. He's the one who finally took my symptoms seriously, believed me when I told him how much I exercised (my PCOS went completely bonkers when I was playing derby and spending a minimum of 15 hours a week in aerobic exercise), and gave me an accurate diagnosis. Metformim helped some,

The wording of the legislation was gender neutral; the title was not, and is a legacy of the times in which is was passed.

Boom. Exactly.

Losing weight does help alleviate some of the symptoms, but the joke is that it is far more difficult for women with PCOS to lose it in the first place and far easier to gain.

Its not really an off label treatment, since a lot of women with PCOS have insulin sensitivity problems.

They used to lump PCOS under a generic term of 'Syndrome X' and only (not terribly long ago) separated it into its own category. I, for one, don't really give a fuck what they call it as long as its studied more and diagnosed correctly. It took the better part of a decade to get my diagnosis and in that time I was

I can't agree on Sucker Punch. I've seen it three times now and I think its still a pretty shit film that was gorgeous to look at and completely muddled in what it was trying to say.

Yeah, that wasn't my point at all.

I cackled like a banshee when this happened.

I'm a big horror genre fan, so I'll just put that out there to start.

This season is far more ramped up than the first season and I think far more graphic in a number of ways.

I know that last week's episode does not seem to be a fan favorite, but I really loved it for the reasons you outlined. Once the devil, the aliens, the serial killers — the trappings — are all out of the way, the real horror is still there. Kit, who loses both of his lovers and is left mourning and raising two

I had problems with latex and spermicide. I dropped the spermicide first and no longer had recurrent yeast infections, and I switched to a non latex brand and no longer had the Sahara shit going on. Welcome to tales of my vagina!

At the risk of also TMI'ing, are you a man or a woman. I had a similar issue with condoms for years until I found out that I was allergic to the kind I was using. I switched and never had problems again.

I found some from the early 70s too when I was cleaning out a relatives house. And 'nudie photo blackmail' is a frequent plot in detective fiction of the 40s. Its not like this is a new phenomena.

This has always been around. Its not a 'this generation' thing. What is this generation about it is the ease in which these photographs can be widely distributed,

1) Women who say things like 'I'm not friends with other girls.'

Yeah, that's how I treat that account too.