Slay Belle

I hope she's enjoying motherhood a bit more now!

I would disagree. I definitely read it within the narrative of yet another impossible thing that's expected of moms, like 'Yummy Mommies' and juggling superwomen. I think we'll just have to agree to interpret it differently.

You said you proved that the studies Lindsey and I cite are false, and then you cited a study that doesn't, in fact, focus on long term weigh loss and maintenance, just on weight loss a year out. Now you're moving on to discussing what the OP said and what I replied to, but I'll stick with your topic shift. That's ok.

Fantastic comment, thank you for the in depth response.

They also tell you to lose weight to help with the symptoms, but many people with the syndrome find this incredibly difficult. I have PCOS and like @ZhiBaChu, it was my random weight gains that eventually led to my diagnosis. But that was once I found a doctor who took me seriously and didn't tell me that I was

I don't see how this article is anti-feminist. She's not saying women shouldn't start businesses, postpartum or otherwise, but that to push it as a 'normal' narrative of what women should be doing this 'downtime' is a pretty ridiculous narrative.

Where exactly did you prove this to me?

Exactly. People are always shocked if we trade actual numbers on the scale — I'm a tall, broad shouldered amazon. As long as you're healthy, just work on the happy part, you know?

A squeeze tube of cookie dough would have been even quieter.

I distinctly remember being frozen with indecision at the gas station one winter day when I wasn't sure if I should take the baby out into the storm so I could go inside and pay for gas, or leave her alone in the car for the 30 seconds it would take because you never leave your baby alone! Bad mom! Bad mom! I probably

Twins! I can't even imagine. We're talking about finally having another one next year and my husband suggested that it would be a good time to work on my writing, you know, while I was home with a newborn and I just laughed and laughed.

I know a lot more zombie new-moms than I've ever met excessively driven new moms. However my neighbor just had a baby and I see her bright eyed and bushy tailed, out exercising and having coherent conversations and I have no idea how she does it.

" but the idea that the US gov't or doctors all over the globe or medical researchers at universities were also in on it is just not true. "

I know if my family, it comes from being only two generations off the boat. My great-grandparents were desperately poor when they came over, so everyone ate what they were given. My mother tells stories about her grandfather holding onto a wooden serving spoon and hitting the kids hand's with it if they were wasting

I feel like people really think once the word 'obese' can be applied to you, you're a person who has become bedridden and has to be cut out of your house while Springer tapes it. I mean, I've seen what people say about '200 lbs' and its clear that they have no concept of what '200 lbs' looks like. It's either a little

You're making a blanket statement that what worked for you will work for other people — that's where the science and research comes in. I mean, you pretty much allude to that in your comment whether or not you realize it: " but if someone has the drive and support to lose the weight, it will happen if they work hard

Oh, jebus. After my daughter was born, I walked around in a fog from lack of sleep, cried all the time from post-partum depression, spent a lot of time mentally beating myself up for being a bad mom when I couldn't get her to stop crying, and worked 3 shift so that we didn't have to put her in daycare. Who are these

I would also agree that there's not thousands of people employed in this industry all actively working to keep people fat or making up new diets to freak people out or whatever, but you wouldn't really need everyone to be in the know — just a few people. How long did Big Tobacco know that it's products made people

Bully for you. I've lost a a lot of weight too, but it's not because I'm better than anyone else. Its a combination of luck and medical intervention. Your anecdote about WILLPOWER pretty much flies in the face of research about weight loss and weight maintenance. Check back in at the crucial 5 year weight loss goal,

There's a very wide distance between the two. Most people who are obese do not fall into the later category.