
Before you scoff too much at them, I see what I’m guessing is likely a third of an ounce of truffle plus whatever is in the oil being used on those two little squares. Truffles usually go for $6000-9000 USD per lb, meaning that croquet, without factoring any other costs, is likely around a hundred and fifty dollars


or her

Life is so hard in the 1st world...

biases can get engineered into seemingly impartial systems

I’m seriously wondering what on earth went through your mind to think that your reply is in any way helpful to anybody? Is this computer meant for gaming? Nope. Is it marketed to gamers? Nope. Would a gaming laptop cover the needs of those whom this computer is meant for? Absolutely not. Is a gaming rig better at

4 grand gets you everything else that you ignored.

“We don’t believe in shipping a product before it’s ready,” says the company that brought you Apple Maps.

No fault of yours Andrew, but that people still give a fuck about cell phone branding at this time, of all of the issues in the world, let alone the US, is just mind boggling.

You’re the one who needs to calm down a bit. It was clearly a joke; even more so if you bothered to watch the GIF, much less the clip in the tweet.

They are not God-damned guinea pigs. They are being asked to participate in a study by your own words. They have the option of not participating in the study, but are under no obligation to do so. Should they choose to participate, they will most likely have to sign an informed consent document that has been reviewed

That’s a dishonest number on your part.

No, because they are terrible.

The same way Apple though rounded edged phones can be patented and brought Samsung to court for that.

Nope, the name comes from “iwa” which means rock and “wanko” which together with “wanchan” mean puppy

Odd to single out China, when per the GSM industry association, SIM registration in Brazil, Switzerland and Germany has been mandatory since 2003, and already is across most of the mainland EU, Australia, India and most of Africa.

This is garbage. You are cherry picking and misapplying analysis. First, unless your interviewer is a CFO, it’s not even applicable. Show me data to support your implication that this can be extrapolated and applied to hiring managers as a whole.