
Enjoy all those new copper pipes which will present a whole new set of issues. New copper pipes leach copper which is generally under limits that concern humans but will cause aquatic issues at the wastewater discharge points. It depends on the pH and alkalinity of the source as well. Hopefully they are considering

Hong Kong is invaded everyday by Mainlanders :)

You sound like you didn’t read the part of the story where the test driver in the Google car also thought the bus was slowing to allow it to merge. So in this case, the AI matched human intuition, which failed to take into account that a lot of bus drivers seem to be a-holes.

I’m not sure I understand this. In the example I gave, the subsidy is the one with a $200 up front cost. Which means you have to save up $200 to begin with, but you only shave about $2 off your monthly bill over time.

What? No. In both the case of the installment plan and the subsidized contract plan, you get to keep your phone at the end of the two year period.

I was reading the wiki about the Madura(Eumycetoma) and at the top of the differential diagnosis was Tuberculosis. A diversionary tactic perhaps?

Above and beyond, yes. Complete opposite, no. States aren’t allowed to change their stop signs into green circles, just as they won’t be allowed to force autonomous vehicles to have steering wheels if federal policy is that autonomous vehicles must not have steering wheels.

oddly, this mess was not created by a government that thinks it knows best.

Bing is actually the preferred search engine for porn.

No, what’s at issue is that Wreden made a really interesting story, and then decided to hype that story by using a PR strategy straight from the ‘80s WWF. I think this is a cheap, unnecessary way to bring attention to a really interesting narrative; a whole bunch of other people think that it somehow qualifies as

I love how everyone likes to cite the US government for this.

Are you an anti-vaxxer too?

I guess it depends on what you mean by regular. Explosion just means rapid expansion of gasses. When a can of soda explodes, there’s no fire involved.

Correct your title to “Old, out of touch doctors don’t care”.

You asked me to come up with something, quick.

Therotetically, yes. Practically? Hell no.

it’s a moustache!

Yea good point about the sickness.