
Is your mind really that slow that you’re going to open the app on your phone? You should ditch the phone and go back to school.

And you did so at your own risk. Good for you.

Of course, vehicle owners could also just... you know... not wait until their current sticker is expired to take the car in for inspection.

$7.99 a month for Spotify and people still feel the need to steal shit.

Okay. That’s different than what the original commenter was insinuating since you were speaking to the phone on purpose. I also see the queries that I entered while using the Map app.

I agree the definitions are stupid... as are many the reasons given by “government and media,” however your definition of assault rifle is not the only acceptable one. There are legal definitions, and dictionary definitions that do not agree with your personal definition.

What? Chris Delay, designer, specifically said that while they had no intention of modeling it after the US Prison system, archetypically they acknowledge that it, the US prison system, was an increasingly heavy influence on the direction of the game and shaped it into being what it is now, specifically due to the US

This was also a movie. Television animé has really short production schedules and underpaid animators. I don’t really expect the same level of quality out of it anymore.

If I wrote an article entitled “Unconfirmed: Donald Trump to resurrect Hitler and appoint him Speaker of the House” and cite the Weekly World News, which themselves cited a guy on Twitter you would feel similarly as I do.

“The Russians are flying 40-50 year old airframes that have been sorely lacking in maintenance for more hours than they’ve seen in years.”

Um, you can run OSx on a windows machine...

MacBooks come with a free copy of Windows? I didn't know that.

Underpriviledged and poor people have it easy, you got it hard. Please accept my tiny violin solo as compensation for all the welfare queens that are definitely mooching off your hard earned money.

I have bigger things to worry about than a the covers of a series of books.

We do accept +1’s and stars! You can also send checks to:

How was somebody “siphoning the money” out of your credit card? You were crazy enough to be paying with a debit card, were you?

  • A Toyota truck is featured in several Disney Pixar movies

They did also improve this on the latest Chromecast app update. You can open the app and do basic play/pause controls from the devices tab, without having to open the associated app that’s currently playing.

Of course the real joke here is that it’s the latest atrocity in the neverending artist/writer war between Gabe and Tycho, that’s what got the biggest laugh from me. (Especially the implication that Gabe literally dreams about destroying that which Tycho holds most dear; the written word.)