
It’s a product designed by rich people, manufactured by poor people, marketed to other rich people (and to poor people living outside their means), and relies heavily on a primarily white color scheme. Why *wouldn’t* Republicans endorse it?

Now playing

Wristwatches are very easy to steal, and have been for a very long time. You obviously have never seen a good grifter in action. cf

But silencers aren’t actually silent nor are they really called silencers.

I fail to see the meaningful difference between a group of bomb squad techs searching a home in person and using a robot to do so remotely. That’s the thing. Equating a piece of technology that (when used in a legal fashion with warrants, etc.) actually makes people safer with something bad (that is, a dystopia) is an

Apparently dystopian now equates to using robots to do rather dangerous searches with warrants?

I can’t find any other details to this story. But what if say the employee was in charge of some super important time sensitive detail.

Definitely similar to the Amex Plat, but the Prestige blows the Plat out of the water.

They usually are.

It’s a good question and one we definitely took into account. With the 4G LTE launch, we wanted to make accessibility and value a cornerstone. That’s why we made it available across the lineup at no additional cost and put data plans in that are the most competitive available (even vs. many data carriers). If folks

Downvoting is for comments that are irrelevant or do not contribute to the conversation.

1) No, they don’t. Also, they sell a shit load of the organic produce people buy. Buying organic supports Monsanto.

Non national chains here in Boston. Far superior.

Actually, I believe the issue is the opposite.

Shuttle Program

Wow, so many butthurt comments here. This is a comic strip for grad students/faculty. They/we find these types of emails and questions annoying, so after the 300th one, we start thinking these responses.

Chrome to mobile feature is now defunct.

I thought “because it’s ugly as all hell” was a good enough reason.

Let’s just put it this way. An adult mother whale can produce around 600L of milk a day her calf, but you don’t see us farming whales to harness their milk because hell, it’s easier to get a lot of milk out a single whale than many cows.

This doesn’t look safe. Youre essentially allowing anything from any ip/domain to have the permission to go fullscreen. This can essentially be a malicious file as well. So you’ll basically be giving that file extended permissions which it can then exploit. Don’t forget that chrome also has a remote desktop