
90% of California's water is used to grow crops that feed the rest of the country. If you'd rather starve, we'd be happy to save the water.

After the news asked, why then was the camera ripped out?

Translation: The British Empire is no longer around and the resulting inferiority complex causes me to chidlishly lash out at the country that largely replaced it.

DOTA 2 was announced in 2010.

So, to tl;dr:

You put the sensors in the road and sidewalks, not on the people.

Garlador said re-release of Goldeneye not remake. They are not the same thing. Learn to read what you are copy pasting dude.

Really? But man, you set the bar so low for humor to begin with. How can it get lower?

Right they don't look strange at all. Sure keep telling yourself that

The formula is correct. Lets say there is a car that gets 1 MPG city and 9 MPG highway. For our test, we will drive 1 mile in the city and 9 on the highway.

Deep breath, Eric- the app is called "Mobile Passport", which is a bit misleading. Sorry if you felt that I left a steaming pile on something you found cool.

Can we not give that F*** B*** any attention, ever? (I even censored her name)

Dude, you're about 10 years too late.

Step 1: Take rules about restricted airspace.

Yep! Amazingly, it didn't stop me from expressing my opinion though (and, more tellingly, it didn't stop you from responding to it).

If this were sold in a stadium, people would be worshipping it.

Golf? Yes. Vacation? Nah.