
Another Nitpick: Humans aren't any better. A pseudorandom algorithm is usually less biased than a person being asked to randomize something.

The F-117 came from the papers of Petr Ufimstev, and a lot of hard work by Lockheed's Skunk Works.

This is the highlighted comment? REALLY?

While I respect your opinion, I don't think our space program could withstand another disaster at this point. I think if NASA lost any astronauts right now they would see ALL of their manned space flight budget dry up and blow away in a martian-like wind. The funding loss would put them behind ten to fifteen more

These are definitely illegal in NYC, as any electric-motor bicycle is. Of course the actual enforcement of this is somewhere between jaywalking and speeding, but there it is.

Arthur can Chu-Chu-Choose whichever clues he wants.

uh.. what? Comcast pays franchise fees for the 'right' to service municipalities. There is no one conspiring to stop you from accessing other lines, there simply isn't anyone else who wants to spend the billions of dollars needed to make a go of it. Thanks to the 'race to the bottom' for consumer price, there isn't

That's because Giz doesn't have an HTTPS cert, so of course it's going to be invalid.

This bug breaks the check on the actual HTTPS handshake, not the fact that you actually need to provide a cert.

Now playing

"What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito?"

"Hey guys Valve is tracking, wait, we are not entirely sure they do...actually the guy is not even sure they are actually tracking or that it works that way"

That would actually be amazing.

They think that I am just growing produce. But we both know that you are far more than that my little ones. MUCH MORE!

What amazes me about that episode is that they apparently found a city where not a single building has electricity. Amazing.

And a rebuttal by another spacecraft:

goddammit I can't edit my post. THERE. not "their".

I'm not saying you could be wrong... But being a Kickstarter backer for this campaign, I can tell you that what you are claiming is with out proper information.

Or just more time and patience than one would be afforded at a tradeshow?

Well, if he put it on the map then it wouldn't exactly be Top Secret anymore, now would it? I remember trying to find that as a kid in the pre-internet era. Needless to say it took a while.