
Because Visa and MasterCard don’t like it, and if they don’t like it, payment card transactions don’t go through for anyone.

I suppose “Dont-want-VISA-or-MasterCard-rejecting-all-of-their-transactions”-eon isn’t catchy enough for you.

Presumably they meant animals. In the sense of self-awareness, many animals are not sentient.

“If it isn’t hurting any actual people, or illegal, what exactly is the issue?”

You can be as much of a smart aleck as you want; the fact remains that (1) you’re not the only one who reads comments, and (2) there are folks out there who don’t know that, say, Shift + Ctrl + T can bring back a closed browser tab. You think folks like them dig around for accessibility features?

The pilot was a Yale medical student. Probably.

For the record, both macOS and Windows have a built-in magnifier tool that enlarged the portion of the display around the cursor. You’d have to move the mouse around more, though; might be too much effort.

spicies and water alongside the tomato puree [...] constitute a vegetable broth

Tomato soup has no broth and is not made from stock.

Call me slow if you want, but I’m trying to figure out the nuances here. It’s clear that if a man behaves in that manner to a woman because he believes that she, as a woman, is ignorant and/or incapable of understanding the concept or subject matter, that’s mansplaining. That part is easy and clearly laid out in the

I’m unclear on this: if a guy behaves in the described manner toward another guy, is that mansplaining? Also, do you have to be a man to mansplain, i.e., if a woman does that to a man or another woman, is that mansplaining?

FYI: you can manage your books on PC if you install Calibre. It’s a little rough in places, but works decently enough.

“He doesn’t seem to equivocate on how much he likes her. Only on how much of a hassle it is, for him, that he does like her.”

“The fact that familial duty is more important to this person than racism is, like I said, closet racism.”

“Okay, cool. You are more concerned about what potential racists think than how you feel about a person.”

Any prayers over the intercom or from the cockpit regardless of language would be panic-inducing. If the crew is praying, time to do the ol’ duck and cover and kiss your ass goodbye.

“The great looking 3:2 display calls to mind an iPad Pro

And yet Sky Sports calls their two TV shows Soccer AM and Soccer Sunday.

Orion will see their heads on spikes.

It’s kinda funny (not directed at you, Adam) that when wireless charging was only available on Android, folks were like “How lazy do you have to be”, and “There’s still a wire”, and “It’s a pointless gimmick because it charges more slowly”. But now that iPhones have it, people are changing their tune, despite the fact