
“Before you can pay for something with your phone, you need to connect it to a real bank account with some real money inside it”

Aldi is owned by German grocery store chain Aldi Süd and Trader Joe’s is owned by German grocery store chain Aldi Nord. They used to be one company before a a disagreement resulted in the brothers parting ways.

That’s the standard defense, but it doesn’t explain why coverage and speeds are pretty lousy even in major metropolitan areas.

As for your second probability story:

I’d lay a good chunk of cash that those who are quoted as saying “he couldn’t have” almost certainly actually said, “in all probability, he couldn’t have.” And journalists packaging the story, then bloggers repackaging the journalists’ stories, have turned a probability statement into a certainty statement.

“Any doctor who can state with absolute certainty”

When PUBG exits EA, all crates will cost money. Now, consider in-game items like the ghillie suit. Would you say that that’s superficial or not in a game that has you roaming what is mostly wilderness?

It flies significantly better than the real Space Shuttle in glider mode, with a glide ratio at best of 4.5; it fell 1 meter for every 4.5 meter of forward travel.

“Why not just put more trash cans at stops? Well, duh, because having trash cans at stops encourages people to put garbage into the cans instead of carrying their trash onto the trains all the way home”

They also have a dearth of trash cans, yet there isn’t litter everywhere. Hmm...

Perhaps I’m missing something but... in the scenario where the top keeps spinning, what exactly keeps it spinning? He has a top in the real world, and presumably he remembers his totem in order to be able to “actualize” it in his dream. So it keeps all of the properties it has in the real world except it also spins

You might want to take a look at Plume. Ars Technica had a good write-up about them.

...But is it really a smear campaign when it’s true?

Revenge porn just got a whole lot worse.

Given the size of the market, I’m not sure the major tech companies would suffer very much—if at all—if they simply stopped doing business in Australia.

“I am now going to use this platform to politely ask Sega to release a Persona anthology (or at least Persona 3, 4 & 5) on the PC.”

I have to wonder, if he were to play at the regionals in person, would he fare worse because he’d be too used to compensating for latency that’s no longer there?

Alanis, we live in a world with people who call all video game consoles an “Xbox” (or “the Nintendo” if they’re old enough), think the monitor is the computer, and consider the stuff sold at Sbarro’s to be pizza. I can believe that there are people out there who might confuse a Mazda and a Mercedes.

Yes, I read that too. Where in that sentence does it say that that is a photo of what was going to be shown off? You see A—a photo of a Mini—and you see B—the announcement was canceled—and quite naturally assume that this is the photo of what would have been shown off if it hadn’t been canceled. But there’s nothing