
“I am now going to use this platform to politely ask Sega to release a Persona anthology (or at least Persona 3, 4 & 5) on the PC.”

I have to wonder, if he were to play at the regionals in person, would he fare worse because he’d be too used to compensating for latency that’s no longer there?

Alanis, we live in a world with people who call all video game consoles an “Xbox” (or “the Nintendo” if they’re old enough), think the monitor is the computer, and consider the stuff sold at Sbarro’s to be pizza. I can believe that there are people out there who might confuse a Mazda and a Mercedes.

1. Who told you milk was good/bad?

Science is perfectly fine, thanks. It’s the scientifically illiterate writers and “journalists” who parrot PR pieces or misinterpret (willfully or not) regurgitated abstracts to sell papers/magazines/views that are the real problem.

Which would be good and well if MS marketed it as the most powerful parallelepiped console ever, or the most powerful black-colored console ever, or the most powerful $499 console ever. But they didn’t. They flat out called it “the most powerful console ever”, with no additional modifiers.

“It’s the (surprise!) only music streaming service that will work with Apple’s HomePod speaker”

It actually IS a reduction... for amounts under $4,800. Under that amount, 0.25% is less than $12. It is true that the percentage fee is greater than $12 for the band between $4,800 and $5,000.

Those were definitely abridged versions of the complete series, removing episodic bits. Not really intended for folks who watched the show.

Many popular anime have theatrical releases in abridged form. They’re generally targeted at a different audience, though some will attempt to bring loyal fans in by adding a few new scenes.

An evil genius would not be found out until it was too late.

One point of comparison you left out is translation quality: both are on the same level, ranging from mediocre to nigh unwatchable. Once upon a time I’d suggest that you pull a Luffy, but most of the good groups have faded away as their members got out for one reason or another.

But it gets more complicated: even if you are able to obtain your FICO score, it may not be the FICO score being used by the lender. FICO has multiple products because different lenders and other businesses care about different things.

Nothing new for Jackie. He also had a daughter from an affair whom he refused to acknowledge for the longest time.

Nothing new for Jackie. He also had a daughter from an affair whom he refused to acknowledge for the longest time.

I’m aware of that. That’s why I said “nope”; nobody’s telling a fib.

Nope. jrhmobile’s oath is for officers. Officers are not required to swear to obey higher level officers, including the commander-in-chief. Hopefully you can work out why that is.

“He’s past the 95th percentile for weight, but only by 25 pounds”

Brian, how does that ¥77,970 bundle work? I thought there was only five launch titles. Is this a Switch + all games + all accessories bundle?

“Want additional controllers for multiplayer? $70”