
For anyone who’s willing to listen to a bit of advice: the warranty for iPhone 7 does not cover liquid damage.

I don’t see the appeal of peeping on either real or virtual women without consent, but I’m having a hard time coming up with an explanation as to why taking an upskirt photo in some future version of GTA would be more objectionable than shooting that same person in the face.

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The truth has no impact on their vote or their opinion of him.

“it just seems like a good 95% of home automation is for solving First World Problems that barely qualify as problems.”

Man, I must have missed that day in history class when they talked about invincible flamethrower-wielding infantry.

“This is because the key to the authentication isn’t the device itself, but rather information stored on the device which could in theory be copied by an attacker.”

Welp, time to reset the counter.

There are huge security issues with the internet of things[...] but the user being able to go to the page they want to is not a flaw.

“What an absolute shitheel.”

“At work?”

So it turns out that giving away free stuff forever is not a viable business model. Qué sopresa.

If you’d be spending $2,000 in 3 months anyways—including the price of the phone—and know the link for the application for the AT&T Access More card, there is absolutely such a thing as a free iPhone 7.

“We realized that we were looking at something that no one had ever seen in the wild before,” Murray said. “Literally a click on a link to jailbreak an iPhone in one step.

I’m not sure if you or Casey is worse. I called him the Comcast of bloggers; I suppose that you would be the AT&T of bloggers.

Your stomach uses hydrochloric acid, not sulfuric acid. It also makes use of, among other things, digestive enzymes and mechanical action to break down food.

From what I’ve heard, the only people who avoided 5/24 applied in person on Sunday or online last Monday when the test link was accidentally put up.

From what I’ve heard, the only people who avoided 5/24 applied in person on Sunday or online last Monday when the

You’d still want an airburst if your intent was to cause as much damage as possible. Which it would be, given that the reason for such high yields was because of poor accuracy. If you’re generating significant amounts of fallout, you’re wasting blast energy and/or someone seriously screwed up (see: Castle Bravo).

The same reason that tax dollars from the coasts go to pay for stuff like Kansas City highways. And since the Kansas City that matters is east of the state line, let me ask you this: as Missouri is the 10th most dependent state on the federal government—and also a recipient of far more tax dollars than its residents

And every time that strawman is raised, I point out that nobody said you had to crisscross the entire US with rail, high speed or otherwise. Simply building out the Northeast Corridor would do wonders. Acela is Amtrak’s sole regularly profitable line for a reason.

I wish they would at least release the cost of shipping the item upon purchase.