
Say what you will about Playstation content and quality, but my Luddite best friend can still figure out how to plug it in to watch a Blu-ray.

This is a real product. It’s in Japan. And it sounds nasty.

How would a 1080p game look worse on 4K? I can see the problems with a 2560 x 1440 display, but it’s just 2x2.

They are, however, underage in all 47 prefectures of Japan.

The highly irregular English in the first screenshot ended my participation in this game of yours pretty quickly.

You do still have to pay for gas, though, and since you’re an independent contractor you’re responsible for additional taxes that an employer would otherwise be paying.

Notably, Sedol asked to play black during this last round despite the fact that AlphaGo is stronger when playing white. If he wins, there’ll almost certainly will be a rematch.

If it goes 3-2, there will most assuredly be a rematch. Lee Sedol specifically asked to play black in this final round, despite the fact that AlphaGo is stronger when it plays white.

clean internals =
good airflow =
less overheating =
less heat-related throttling

clean internals =
good airflow =
less overheating =
less heat-related throttling

Well, if you absolutely need a graphics solution that takes up only one PCI-E slot...

1. When the Model S was first delivered—“breaking into the market” were your words—the base model took 5.9 seconds to do 0-60.

Those are some tiny pizzas.

Thing is, Lee is regarded as one of the less capable 9-dan players, and he had actually lost to another player a couple days before this match. Part of the problem is that Lee is known for being talented at drawing opponents into local fights and causing them to lose track of the board as a whole. This is something

Thanks for responding. I know valuations can be controversial, but having some sort of rough per-mile-value information might be helpful, as well as reminders about which credit card programs can transfer.

One thing I do agree with is that regardless of how this particular instance all plays out, if/when a major incident happens on US soil again and encryption plays even the tiniest role in it, the Congress in session will most certainly have a knee-jerk reaction and pass some terrible encryption-related laws. And

I’m going to guess that she never saw リング, or else she should have known what to expect.

These charts do not take into account the fact that some miles are easier to collect/accumulate/transfer to than others, and understate the severity of “fuel” surcharges that some programs impose. Sometimes the surcharge can be almost as high as the price of a ticket.

Which is why the division will undoubtedly be spun off before it hits wide release. Why'd you think they turned Google into Alphabet?