
1. The vast majority of bullets come with a copper (diamagnetic materials can be repelled if exposed to a sufficiently strong electromagnetic field), nickel, and/or steel jacket. This is to reduce the amount of residue left in the barrel: lead is soft.

How the hell is 21 not on the list? It’s based on a non-fiction book, yet practically all of the East Asians were rewritten as white people. Studio execs asked that the Asian female be kept for “sex appeal”!

ceci n’est pas un chat

From what you’ve written, I’m fairly certain that you have no clue about what a food desert is. Perhaps you should read up a little more on what they are before you rush to judge others.

“People say they don’t have the time to cook. That’s their problem.”

East Asians: the last remaining acceptable targets of racist “humor”.

The typical flushing time is 4 – 5 minutes.

Perhaps the rest of the country should look for some place else to grow their food. ~80% of the water used in California for agricultural purposes—Mediterranean climate, natch—and the vast majority of all of that is exported. Ergo, we’re exporting most of our water. Turns out all that flyover country that’s good for

Hayward? I thought he wanted to stop around Gilroy. Imagine all the fares from rides in autonomous Teslas to the city.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but unemancipated minors usually don’t have the legal standing to file lawsuits. Therefore, if anything, the kid deserves even more sympathy because of his ridiculous parents.

No one with even half a brain denies that Iraq had WMDs at some point in the past—read: ‘80s and ‘90s. Of course they did: the Germans, French, British and us Americans(!) sold Iraq all sorts of equipment and precursors for nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons! The governments were all hoping that Iran and Iraq

We are all traveling through time at the precise rate of 1 second per 1 second.

“It’s just a shame that the company is spending money hand over fist on a useless gadget”

The heat death of the universe. Deal with it and/or move on.

What a party pooper.

even if it Did cost 10 times as much

I’m not faulting him for it; I’m just pointing out that, contrary to popular belief, Musk does stand to gain from Hyperloop beating out CAHSR. It’s not quite as altruistic as many make it out to be.

You’re right. It’s about as absurd as non-professional choir groups ever having people problems. 10 to 25 adults not being able to look past their petty squabbles to their shared love of whatever? Completely absurd. Next you’ll tell me that there are choirs that don’t run a full psychological and compatibility profile

I have no objections to the concept or even its feasibility. In fact, I’ll confidently say that if you can find the money and engineers to throw at it, it’ll work just fine. The only impediments to extending Hyperloop into the cities are the cost of land and NIMBYism... but I repeat myself.

If he thinks Lily is worth the trouble, then fine, whatever. But if the dude is having this much trouble coming to a decision, I don’t think he’s emotionally well-equipped to juggle Lily and the choir if the relationship sours.