
You think that the expenditures for the F-35 could pay for universal healthcare? Sure, maybe two or three years of it.

Did the one child policy actually work, or were people already taking advantage of loopholes anyway?

The battle is lost, and I can prove it: LTE isn’t 4G. Under the real definition, only LTE-Advanced is real 4G. LTE is not.

This also means that the “free month” that Youtube offers for YT Red means that there are no ads and no fees that month.

The same was also true when the movie was released in Taiwan earlier this year. The above image which shows “Japan” on the map is apparently from the Taiwanese release.

You could, yes. “Within five miles” means round trips of under 10 miles. Estimated charging time is tough because all high-density batteries slow down the charging rate for safety when you get close to full. I figure it would probably be something like 3-5 hours. You should call a dealer up and ask for sure.

Which is why Americans, American businesses and the U.S. government never ever sues foreign-based companies operating outside of the U.S., right? Right.

Now playing

Given how she handles phone calls, I’m not sure I would trust Sumomo to oversee my driving.

Forgive me for using a translation of the Constitution Of The People’s Republic Of China (the current governing document), since (1) I assume that you can’t read Chinese, and (2) me personally attempting a translation would result in something pretty imprecise. The excerpts offered fit as best as they can; of course

No, defamation law in different countries have different rules. For instance, in the U.K. the fact that the statement was truthful is not always sufficient defense.

Just because it’s the pot calling the kettle black doesn’t make the kettle any less black.

A little background to start: the one-child policy was always enforced on a province-by-province level. And depending on the province, there were anywhere from absolutely no exceptions to exceptions out the wazoo (agricultural areas, ethnic minorities, disability, etc).

It doesn’t change the fact that the one-child policy made conditions within China undesirable for families. Thereby pushing people to birth tourism.

Of course you can. For music you just need to install the Sonos Desktop Controller that runs on computer. If you want to stream whatever happens to be playing on your computer at the moment, then there are programs like AirSonos that do that.

If you can’t afford a Play:5, there’s the Play:3 and Play:1. They may not sound quite as good, but they’re certainly more affordable. And stereo pair works with them as well.

Google Play apps, App Store apps, and Steam programs all fundamentally work on one or two systems that either benefit from a very, very limited hardware set or from hardware abstraction: ARM/x86, ARM, and x86/x64. Meanwhile, you want Nintendo to offer native compatibility for all platforms on all devices?

Tor can still be defeated by Notoriously Strong Adversaries.

A Twix milkshake sounds wonderful.

Because war and racism. No, really.