

Nope. Look up tsujiura senbei. Other than the fortune being put in the bend rather than the hollow and a more savory taste, they’re practically the same.

Most people think that the fortune cookie is an American invention.

That was a mockup, right? I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to clean up and sterilize the real thing to prep it for launch.

There’s been a recent resurgence of interest and coverage of Ken M’s exploits. This happens every so often when people make the wonderful, head-scratching discovery that is Ken M.

You can just use the calendar pane in Outlook and ignore everything else.

Having more children than permitted is one of the most minor reasons for birth tourism. The one-child policy is enforced by means of a fine and the revocation of the later child’s access to certain government resources. Any parents who have enough money to participate in birth tourism just to get around the one-child

Thanks to 35 years of the One-Child Policy

Are you sure? I’ve only seen that price mentioned for the top-of-the-line Signature Series.

She looks unhappy. Maybe those cheeseburgers will help.

I take it you didn’t see the third GIF.

Sometimes. Then other times, you get this:

China has its share of problems in the Uighur regions.

Once upon a time, people raised their own chickens for the purposes of subsistence farming. And by “once upon a time”, I mean right now: my grandparents get their own eggs from their own chickens. And even though he’s in his 70s, my grandfather still prefers to butcher his own chickens. He likes them fresh.

How do you know? Which makes for a better fluff piece (because they’re always fluff pieces: “Centenarian attributes longevity to healthy diet, daily exercise regimen” or “Centenarian attributes longevity to daily breakfast of steak, eggs, and whiskey”? Which of these do you think the producer will find entertaining

It’s a shame they couldn’t interview all the people who drank, smoke, and ate tons of tasty yet poisonous food but didn’t make it over the age of 100.

you’re gonna have to eat like 24 cups of brocolli to get the same amount of protein as 10 oz hamburger meat.