
from being luxurious!

They turned the letter into a video? Meh.

The meaning and usage of words change over time.

It’s not just an axis problem, it’s also the fact that, rather than simply turning you’re also holding it up. And the amount and direction of force required to hold up the controller varies depending upon the angle you hold it at. It’s quite unnatural because it’s not something you would ever do with any other control

There is nothing, absolutely nothing we can do against a 2000 Feet asteroid traveling at 78,000 mph.

The trackpad on the Dell XPS is fine, and if the hands-on are to be believed so are the ones on the Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book keyboards. All three are also have a higher-than average price tag. Probably related.

Double ew.


My point is that it is very small fraction.

To try to change the world before it is ready is just like when California made that law saying all car companies MUST sell 10% electric vehicles by 2000. Didn’t happen and hundreds of billions of dollars were wasted on a technology that just wasn’t ready yet.

And before all you nitpickers and naysayers descend on me to tell me how this will never work and why it’s wrong, first tell me your alternative and why your idea is better.

...but didn’t you just use that word yourself?

Someone with a spare computer. Alternatively, someone who knows how to make an use a virtual machine.

Depends on the accuracy of those observations.

Now playing

Setting aside the foriegn object damage to the engines from the shattered glass, there is no way he made this jump:

Here are some things you can copyright:

I doubt we’d be calling that a “wood railgun” in headlines.