Svetoslav Traykov

It should be called bullshit, not blockchain

You are trolling right? You can’t be serious.

I have just installed yesterday the 11.1 beta 1 and the issue with the wifi and bluetooth not turning off is now fixed. Just saying :)

You sure you do not need viewing glasses?

And he is certainly managing several multibillion dollar companies. Wish I were that “stupid”. How much did you said your salary was so that you have the right to call people stupid?

Darwin awards...

And also sounds like it will be showing how Trump is sent to and living ot the moon.

You, Sir deserve a star!

And without the OS off course.

Sad story. It reminded me of a joke I was told when I was young:

It’s all about the clicks, ‘bout the clicks, ‘bout the clips...

So what?

This comment made my day! Thanks, mate!

Can anybody tell my how the fuck I can embed a tweet in a comment here?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In appreciation, Tesla is providing all repair costs free of charge and expedited. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Elon Musk (@elonmusk) <a

I’m from Bulgaria, we were under communist ruling for 45 years, after we were free, most of the people’s dream here was to go to USA, which is the land of the free, and is an example for democracy. Now I’m very confused...

I only came to leave this here