
@Isaiah Colbert, now you need to watch the Anime... The filler Arcs are actually pretty good... one of my all time favorite Story arc is a filler (when the come down from Skypiea in a squid balloon, they land right in the middle of an Outpost Marine Base, and the crew Disguises themselves as Marines to hide in the

Ugh another laid back slow ass Rap station.... dont we already have 5 stations like this? Cant we have a Metal station... a techno/industrial station... heck even a punk one? noooooooo.... MORE rap!

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Sexy looking Arcee... sure...... but no one actually never talked about the Actual Squeeshy boobs add-ons for Transformers Arcee?? (this video is actually SFW)

Should also mentions that you can ONLY OPEN ONE CHEST AT A TIME.... THATS the deal breaker for me... I been playing casually... I’m now level 6 or 7 and I have TONS of CHESTS Stacked up... but I can ONLY open one at a time... THIS SUCKS! I had 150 gems and I’m down to 50 because I kept opening the smaller chest, since

No sega Saturn? not interested :(

Aww I want it! But Tenga doesnt ship outside of Japan :( This sucks! :(

dont get me wrong, I LOVE ikaruga... but I believe this is the most ported game in existence... hopefully they’ll include something New in it... I own it on 5 differents console already...

Marina... is another name for Harbor... so we have... Pearl & Harbor...yup...

“There is a prick doing shameful and insulting stuff... here’s the link to his video for you to see, and encouraging him with the number of your views!”

I never understood why kotaku always encourages this.... please dont link video to this sorts of stuff... everyone clicking on the video, whether they like it or not,

Oh cool! Click the amazon link.... see price.... OHH THATS the ripoff: Price:$99.99 + $276.71 Shipping yup.... no thanks!

Oh cool! Click the amazon link.... see price.... OHH THATS the ripoff: Price:$99.99 + $276.71 Shipping yup.... no

Here’s a scary story that happened to me years ago.

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This has been debunked already... see video here, mostly compelling around 4min

Whut? No Brainscan? Pffft

No I dont recommend the first one... I was super hyped for it and was my most disappointing game of the year... I love horror games... but this one has Zero story... the whole story is fully explained in 2 lines at about 80% of walk-through... the game starts good but then nothing makes sense... you are just

No Saturn, no dreamcast, not interested :-(

It’s ok... I laught about it myself ;) lol

So last summer, always carrying my 3DS around for streetpasses... and I live in a secluded area, at home I rarely get any streetpasses, but at work i got regularly 3-4... So one day at home I noticed I got a streetpass at my home... very odd... check it... its a girl... I trade stuff with her mii... thats it... next

So you guys are simply ignoring the fact that X-Com came out recently on Vita and it’s amazing??

Pfffft... forget those, I’ll be on Dark Soul 3!

I was at my local gamestop.. and asked for a copie of a game... and the guy asked me a question... and seriously I could NOT understand a single word he said... I made him repeat like 4 times before understanding.... the guy had a REALLY bad voice and I kinda laughed saying that the cold got him pretty bad (it was