
I don't mean to be a jerk, but Bigger Than Life was directed by Nicolas Ray. Sorry to be pedantic, Bigger Than Life is one of my favorite movies so I guess I always have that info ready so I recommend it to my friends.


I've been skimming the comments and I totally agree. Jesse is totally being a jerk to people who may have legitimate critiques of both the prequels and the article. It seems like a good plan if he wants to push people away from the site altogether.

After reading that I think I can travel time now.

Born in '91 so I still get the reference for the most part.

"the world is sterile, lifeless and dull on a visual level…"

It will now be called Space Aliens From Outer Space.

So it's now a Dragon Ball Z fan video on youtube?

Then we can mourn the death of you and Kevin James' career!
Thank goodness too, I have somewhere important to be later that day.

The Leisure Ass just makes me think of someone in need of a hemorrhoid donut.

My dad is retired police officer and the way all of his cop buddies talk is horrifying. Whenever anyone of them tell a story about a case they worked on the race of the suspect is always mentioned unless it's a white person. It's always "So I got a call about this [insert non-white race here] guy…".

It wasn't a Bowflex add-on???

I don't about you but when I get to work I have to dodge all those damn termites and I think to myself, "I really hate Mondays."

It had to be him. He was the only one with a glaze.

I don't see what Asian Karl Rove has to do with this…

The Protocols of the Elders of Cranberry Sauce?

When you sign up for the news letter does the Web page start playing "With Arms Wide Open?"

¡De nada!


Just press F8 and F4 together really quickly.