
I mean, it absolutely *does* include acts of violence, including gun violence, on a school campus, although the school in question is a university.

I’m a progressive and I thought this was awful, short-sighted and stupid. I come from a family of librarians, and banning/altering books for political reasons - or any reason, really - is unacceptable. We need to engage with the ideas, and if we don’t agree with them, discuss it. Not erases historical literature.

Mine usually go dead within a couple days of each other, since I installed them at the same time. They appear to be on a similar “need new batteries” cycle.

Slow cookers don’t really get hot enough to cook food properly. The same chemical reactions that take place to make your food taste yummy on the stovetop or in the oven (browning, Maillard reaction, thickening, etc.) don’t take place in a slow cooker, resulting in food that is thin, mushy, tasteless and bleh. You’re

Literary contests aren’t free to run. You need to compensate judges for their time, administer all the entries and such, etc. Most literary contests/awards have a small entry fee to cover the costs of running the competition.

This is very apropos for me today - I was just telling a friend how I found a pair of boxer briefs that are long enough and don’t roll, so I can wear them under skirts and prevent the dreaded chub rub.

If you ask my real name, I’ll give you the name I use every day. That’s my real name. As a transperson, it’s my name. And I would have told you the same thing before I got it legally changed. This is my real name. My legal name is (or at least, was) a completely different question.

My best friend responded with “ewww, tmi” once when I mentioned I had cramps. I gave him an earful. He has been supportive, understanding and awesome about it since – he told me he felt obligated to act grossed out because that’s what he was “supposed” to do, but realized how dumb and juvenile it was when I called him

Winston can make quick work of Sym’s turrets, too.

It doesn’t even have to be cultural. I have friends who don’t like exchanging Christmas gifts because it’s a hassle. I love giving presents, and I’ve had to learn to accept that not everyone loves getting them.

There’s no such thing as an “Atheist Christian.” I’m an atheist who happens to celebrate a secular version of Christmas – there’s no Santa Claus, nobody talks about Jesus, it’s just a colder version of Thanksgiving with a tree in the middle of the room. That said, I don’t expect anyone else to celebrate it the same

It really depends on you as a person and/or your physician. My doctor tried to insert my IUD without anything to help (I’ve never given birth), but my cervix was not having it so I had to have an anaesthetic shot. I know some doctors will prescribe misoprostol for IUD insertion, but my doctor said that it wasn’t very

I’ve had that reaction before, with my Mirena. “You don’t have periods?? That’s so unnatural, that can’t be good for you,” etc., and like, weird shaming stuff about how periods are a great gift and I should be powerful and womanly and whatever. Nope. I love my Mirena, I love not having periods, I love knowing I won’t

The Dragon Age games aren't for kids. They are for teens and adults. If a 12-year-old wants to play it, it's up to their parents to decide if they are mature enough. If your solution to that is to tell them they can't play, great! But it isn't made for children. Do you complain that GTA should have a "turn off the

For someone who grew up in a "sex positive" household you have remarkably rigid viewpoints about when and where people should have sex or masturbate. Historically, it wasn't that long ago that families shared a room - or even a single bed. It's still pretty common in other parts of the world, and even among some

To be honest, I've never asked any of my friends what they think about their boyfriends jerking it, but with the last guy I was seeing, my response was more along the lines of "oh, wanna provide photographic evidence of that?"

Case in point: I'm feeling really bad for the guy above who says most women don't like if their boyfriends masturbate.

Yeah, it sounds like her parents were totally absent in-so-far as "boundaries" were concerned, which explains a hell of a lot.

People get super freaked out when you put "kids" and "sex" anywhere near one another in a sentence. I had a prof in university who talked a lot about the ideas of childhood and innocence, and how we have this bizarre cultural insistence that children are sexually "pure" or "innocent." Historically, the idea is fairly

Here's the excerpt people seem to be getting worked up about: "I shared a bed with my sister, Grace, until I was seventeen years old. She was afraid to sleep alone and would begin asking me around 5:00 P.M. every day whether she could sleep with me. I put on a big show of saying no, taking pleasure in watching her beg