

Coincidental minors. Perry 2:00 for diving; Nantucket Sound 2:00 for holding

He all like - who let big ass giant play?

A Dr. Oz link. Quality shit.

On the plus side, it looks like he's finally gonna see some court time.

I think you meant to post here.

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hate to play the race card but stewart has always been a dick and has always caused wrecks but yet no one says anything he killed a 20yr old kid last night and yet ESPN and nascar analyst are down playing this like it was a accident and that stewart didnt mean yet stewart struck that kid with bad intentions

Waiting for mustachioed newcomer Werdna Elddib to take the boat racing scene by storm.

With all this mystery and intrigue, only one thing is certain: Offshore boat racing is superior to onshore boat racing.

Guy anchor clearly believes that Spider-man provoked that attack.

Now that I've seen the footage, 2 games seems about right.

Sadly, the HoF revoked Maddux's induction after seeing how much his delivery has suffered in retirement.

It's a contract until the NCAA is breathing down your neck and an NFL team offers you a better one.

Maybe this will help you understand how it sounds: remember when people on Fox News suggested Trayvon Martin's hoodie was partly to blame for his murder? This is kinda like that.

"Is it me, or is Modern Woo in a state of crisis?"

The notion that Pfeiffer thought the idea was common within the sport is really Kluwe's entire point.

Leave it to a bunch of baseball-loving Americans to misunderstand the significance of runs.

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