
jesus christ who buys a rotisserie chicken for $14???

If no one else is gonna say it I will: Zekes a damn good tipper

Uhhh some of us are passionate about brands, please kindly go back to your “content” on non sponsored posts!

I can’t believe they released El Chapo and now he’s doing a podcast....I’m sure the LEFTIST “AV Club” loves it but this is why we need Law.And.Order.

Jeb’s comments are actually some of the best reasoning I’ve seen for just giving up on football entirely

Lol, yup. If you want to waste $10,000 on kissy eyes dot Tonga, by all means, THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY

Now playing

I saw this headline, and I’ll be honest: I’m just happy my man Kid Creole of “Stool Pigeon” is OK.

I try to drink less soda in general these days, but I agree — after tasting how much similar that first Coke Zero sip tastes to regular Coke, I can’t go back to Diet. I also agree that by halfway through, it’s just black fizzy water and not even that great at that point.

Don’t even need to watch the video to know the next part is C O N S E R V E

this will never get old

Just call him MR BREXIT!!!

This guy’s got us lefties figured out pretty well! LEFT IS THE BEST!!!!

thats gotta be gathering of the juggalos!!

Florida Atlantic HC Lane Kiffin ladies and gentlemen

HamNo, your prizefighting articles are by far the greatest thing Deadspin produces these days. Great article as always.

I don’t think you can argue that Ward didn’t have any low blows — that said, Tony Weeks certainly was of the opinion that Kovalev was milking every “borderline” shot he could, whether or not he truly

Well that didn’t last long!

Well that didn’t last long!


your friends sound awful, I’d get new friends

Horrifying and completely agree with the people who have said that United has opened themselves to a lawsuit on this one. Also genuinely surprised no one on that entire plane took $800 and a free night in a hotel. Unless the $800 was in the form of United travel vouchers, fuck that.

Bills fan here! I would just like to say that I believe this is a good deal — it’s impressive that Whaley was able to convince Tyrod to restructure his contract, and furthermo*Backflips onto a table after chugging a LaBatt Blue 40 oz, cracks skull*