
Not much. Yeah, I know we can't go into things here, but you seem to have a good, positive vibe going on . . . at least I hope I'm reading that right. I know you had some rough spells in the past. Just saw you and thought I'd let you know I was thinking of you. Take care.

We are supposed to turn away those wanting to join our club just because their abusive ex-husband doesn't like it?

He was a pawn of the US and the IMF who helped put him in power in '96.

Reagan seriously prolonged the Vietnam Syndrome. As far as I can tell, we were starting to get over it when he insisted on bringing it back with all his bullshit.

We in the west didn't help much with that. We made fun of their situation, offered minimal assistance, refused to welcome them into the world community, and ran NATO right up to their doorstep

The Iron Law of ST:TOS Movies: The evens rock, the odds suck.

Not strong enough. Germ-X or even Clorox, to be sure.


There were some movies from childhood that entered my subconscious and became nightmares—this is the only movie I saw as an adult (On the Z Channel, New Year's Eve, 1982) that had that effect on me. Too bizarre for words, no plot description can ever be justified.

Textbook and teacher were in agreement, if for no other reason than teacher knew only what was in the text. And Nazism was very clearly taught as having the same DNA as fascism.

There is a traditional left-right axis, it posits communism/liberalism on the left and fascism/conservatism on the right.

Disqus. When I have interesting discussions with someone, I sometimes look to see where else they've posted. It occasionally leads me to some great stuff to add to my regular reading, and always leads me to places I've never seen before. Such as this.

Okay, well, I'll be going back to Slate and The Atlantic now, thanks for the tour.

Wow! Thanks for the link; that was fantastic!

I've never been to this website or anything like it (I don't stay in much, I guess), and I can't believe I've just wasted 25 minutes watching a dumb game show episode that I already saw 40 years ago! What's worse, I want to see another.