
They’re just mine carts, Temple of Doom style.

Fuck, right? How much counter and cabinet space do I have that I have the luxury of a machine exclusively for waffles? This ain’t Fixer Upper, man, just throw some Eggos in the toaster like a normal person.

They didn’t over pay for a thing. They got two of the three draft picks used to get Trubisky back by trading down in round 2 and if Glennon is a legit starter, then he is underpaid and if he isn’t they get him and his cap space off the books the very next year. They underpaid for both and if neither works out, they

I feel like most people pretty much understood that Glennon was simply a stop-gap when they signed him though. The people that were actually shocked and angered by this, probably don’t know a whole hell of a lot about football. Can’t just sign any shitty QB during a rebuild and put the entire workload on Jordan

You know that thing Trump does, where he knows none of the details or particulars but tries to negotiate from a position of strength only to see it blow up in his face spectacularly?

To admit to voting for Trump was a mistake takes a level of self awareness that Trump supporters do not possess. They have bought into the Amway. The time share in Boca. The pyramid scheme. They have paid for the extended warranty on their leased Toyota Avalon. They are the temporarily inconvenienced future


Her future role will be announcing the deaths of co-workers and beloved sports icons. Looking forward to “Sitting Shiva with Hannah”.

Kathy Ireland, man.

It may not be the Death Star just yet, but we took down a Super Star Destroyer.

That Jeep looks like it was made by Nerf.

This whole connectivity issue is nonsense. When I would see KU basketball players around campus, the LAST thing I would think is “wow those guys are just like me, we’re all students together, DURRRHHH!” The only things I likely had in common with any of them is proximity and a deep love of weed.

“If women face potential harassment on a daily basis, why do they bother trying to live normal lives?”

White guys who give a pass to racism & bigotry but draw the line on climate change are so original, cool & awesome.

Also I was confused about how the boyfriend of the “stunning beauty” was “an uggo she dated for his personality”, did she send in the wrong picture?

Also, dating another person isn’t about “having” who you want, it’s about spending time with someone and building a relationship that satisfies you both.

Only balding men use that term, otherwise there would be no reason to bring it up.

Classic Deadspin shitty fact checking.