
The old 'Dead Colbert Bounce'.

The 2.5 men/I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry mash up we've all been waiting for

Ludovico on steroids!

Yeah, but George Lucas and co are being pretty Shellfish

Sister Pants 3: Back in the Fabric

Mad About You FTW

Or as Troy McClure.

Quick Ellen Burstyn - get on the drugs to slim down before your TV appearance. I guarantee it'll work out fine.

He's an angel, but he ain't no saint.

One of the best medley's of all tiiiime

She must be Jay Leno in disguise!

Suckin' on slick Willy's wrecking ballz

Wait till the McCoys over at ADIDAS hear about this.

Dem apple-bottom jeans tho

"Nazareth" investigates whether the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost were, in fact, the same person.

He should have listened to Eminem and sat next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst.

You better apologise, Larry King.

The Inception of copyright infringement.

I'm thinking something 90s coming of age.

Some of these puns are really barking up the wrong tree.