
Cover Materia

Yes cause they should totally uprender games, add FULL trophy support and then sell it to you for 3 bucks....Fucking entitled idiots I swear...

Teenaged Mutant Ninja Doomsday

A nod, you say....

What if the game will be sold everywhere, but all the pokemon will be in Japan. BOOM! Tourism!

I don’t get why you’d play something several times and watch videos of something you don’t like.



Someone make a gif of a camera zooming out on a calendar showing just how far away and vast the date is.

Go on know you want to...

Because I couldn’t think of anything better.

f**king ewoks, always getting in the way..

Mine is the reason I’m pissed at 343 for not putting Split-Screen in Halo 5.

If you don’t want to see a movie where Vin Diesel fights witches with a fire sword, then I really don’t know why you’re here.

I asked a Konami exec why they canceled Silent Hills, and they just hissed and gave me this look...

It was too soon for you-know-who, so here’s Owen Mood standing in. I had the couch picture layered and everything

That's a crime it didn't make it in here. I played this with my kids this weekend and they loved it. Then my six year old son went upstairs, started cutting construction paper, asked his mom for something, and came in looking like this.

This just in: Journey apparently not one of the best games you can play in a night.