
Mike is actively experimenting right now, so the look of the strip is very much in flux right now. He's also posting a ton of his weekly sketches (and is really growing as an artist).

Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).

I always liked how, in Shadow of the Colossus, you could feel Wander's grip as he climbed (which, thinking about it, was a more important mechanic than walking in that game).

Lol, actually, I think SotC passes almost all of the checks here.

1. Momentum to Reward: Hold on tight as the colossi waggle and shake, then, when

I say both. Those level X achievements are actually rather useful for developers to look at. It's a semi-passable metric to see where people lose interest in your game so you can plan accordingly for the next one.

I think this article needs more War Machine.

Waifu technology is advancing every day!

Try a sandwich..., it's not exactly what you want, but I didn't put any thought into it.

Play them and then enjoy/QQ the changes they made to fit it into a static medium.

If you want maximum feel, play it first.

no photoshop needed.

Ahhh haha... haha... haa... Laguna with the puns.

If we're going to talk cute japanese things and fireflies, You should know that good things are not in store.

This is the first thing that came to mind when I saw that opening gif. Was sort of hoping it was going to be a Japanese Child of Light esq game.

Ditto. I certainly don't mind people being of a different religious faith, or no religious faith at all. I have plenty of friends on both 'sides'. But don't you (general you) dare mock or belittle me for what I believe in, when it has zero bearing on yourself. Doing so puts you on equal footing with the religious folk

I'm Catholic and I don't mind that people don't believe in God. I'd like to believe that there is something or someone out there beyond what we can see. What I do have a problem with is people saying people with faith are 'dumb' or 'weak' in believing there is a higher power out there. I do believe that you'll most

This was a very reasonable, honest, even-handed post.

Something like this, I imagine?